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GTKRadiant<--->Irrlicht still dont work

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 3:11 am
by DrJeckl
Well im still here but i have yet to get any the levels i make to compile, ive read the tutorial on how to do the batch compile in the how to forum but it just says bad command or file name in the msdos prompt, lol hopefully i dont solve this on my own again. The biggest diffrence between the tutorails batch compile text and mine is that all of my stuff is on my secondary hard drive D:/ so i set it all to D:/ yet it still doesnt work, this is the only thing i really have a problem with, thanks for the help if i get any. :wink:

Posted: Fri Feb 06, 2004 5:17 am
by rt
if the error is 'bad command or filename' then you need to change the first path in the .bat to point to correct locations of q3map2 on your system. you could do a start->search->find file to locate the file, but you should be able to find it under your 'GtkRadiant' folder, unless of course you installed it to a different place.

niko has posted the code which fixes the problem of 'missing triangles' which means that you don't need to use the .bat file method anymore if you update your irrlicht source code to include the bugfix. check out the code on this thread ... =5984#5984. you can simply use the "-meta" option in the compile menu in GTKR