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Is there any free application to export .my3d scenes?

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 9:52 am
by mmh771
Now after i've built my scene into 3dMax 8, i want to save it as myScene.my3d, so i can import it into Irrlicht! ...

but the only application i found it gile[s], which is not free!.. so is there anyother application that do the job.. for free?


Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:07 am
by jam
why not use the exporter located at irrlicht-1.0\exporters\3DSMAX.my3d. The exporter for version 7 seems to work fine with MAX 8.

what to do with the dle files!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 10:46 am
by mmh771
I am totally new to exporting and such alike! ... so would you give me a hind how to use Irrlicht 3d max exporter! ...

How to use it? .. and where?!

there are three files . dle .. what should i do with them!

suppose my 3dmax scene is named xxx.max

Thanks for your help!

[Solved] : what to do with the dle files!

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 11:17 am
by mmh771
I've solved it .. thanx for your help

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 2:14 pm
by hybrid
It would help to tell the audience how you did, otherwise others will find your thread and only know that you solved it, but don't get it for themselves.

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:10 pm
by afecelis
And I found mmh771's point interesting as well, since there's no My3d besides 3dsmax's and Giles' exporters. From the title of this topic I thought he was looking for a My3d exporter, let's say for blender or something like that, ehich would be an interesting idea to develop.The only problem is that My3d relies in texture baking (lightmapping) which blender doens't support yet in a native way. Anyway, Giles is the cheapest alternative (around US$50) whereas max is around US$3200, hehehe. And from what I've tried, Giles creates some nice lightmapped scenes.

As final comment, hybrid is right; you might as well post how you solved your issue in order to help others seeking for the same solution. :wink:

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 4:21 pm
by $L!M
U just need to copy one of *.dle files to "max/plugins" directory.

Very basic steps for developing your Very first My3D object

Posted: Sat May 06, 2006 6:26 pm
by mmh771
To Newbies, just like me , here are the very basic steps into developing your Very first Irrlicht Scene, using My3d:

1. Build any scene you want using 3D Max (Version 5, 6, 7 or 8).

2. Go to the my3d exporter that comes with the Irrlich SDK(in simpler words ... Irrlicht Folder) and then copy the "my3d_max7_exporter.dle: that math with your 3D Max version( Note: my3d exporter version 7 work 100% with 3D max 8).

3. Paste the file you have just copied into the 3d max plugin directory. (e.g: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\3dsMax8\plugins\)

4. restart your 3d max application.

5. open the scene you have created in step(1), or any scene you like, lets say myScene.max.

6. Now to import into my3d: go to File -> export.

7. Type the File name you want (e.g: myFirstObject), but don't press Save yet!

8. click on Save as type and choose "Save As: my3d Scene Exporter".

9. Now click ok! ...

And thats it, now you have just created your first my3d Object, which can be imported into Irrlicht code.