How to create a Texture Material in 3D-Max

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How to create a Texture Material in 3D-Max

Post by mmh771 »

Does anyone know how to create a Texture Material in 3D-Max?

I've modeled a large terrain in 3D-Max and export it as my3d format, and now its working 100% in my Irrlicht Scene, but when i applied a texture to it on 3D-Max (using a Diffuse Channel-->Bitmap) it works fine when i render it in 3D-Max, and it looks perfect.

But after i assign the material to the model and then re-export it to my3d Format, the texture looks really WIERD when i start my Irrlich Scene! ....

its like the texture is not fixed, it keeps in moving in a strange way when i move my FPS camera! ...

So would you just please tell me step-by-step how to create a good texture material in 3D-max!
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