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Compiling Irrlicht in VC++ Express

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 2:03 am
by yourself
How would I go about compiling irrlicht in visual c++ express edition without directx, it seems everytime I compile it it comes back with errors, cannot find directx blah blah blah how do I undefine it VC++ Express..

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:23 am
by afecelis
you're using a "too new" version of the sdk. You need a DX sdk that still has the DX8 stuff you're getting errors on.
Try this zipped version (only "include" and "lib" folders): ...

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 6:26 am
by yourself
thank you, I knew I was using a too new version, I just didn't which version SDK from microsoft website still contained dx8, thankyou for the zip...


Oh, and also... Do you have the runtime installer for this, or can I just run my game through dependency walker and find the dependency DX dll's and include them in my game archive???

Another thing I want to ask you afecelis, is I am very impressed with Giles, and I was wondering if there were some steps I could take for the lightmapping to get the same effect with blender. Cause I am dying to have that smooth map look lightmapped like that. Every other world editor or lightmapper irrlicht uses makes the maps way too square... I would appreciate it... thanks...

Posted: Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:58 pm
by afecelis
Just uncompress the file to C: and you'll have a "DXSDK" folder created. Set the paths to its "include" and "lib" folders. This tut is a good guide:

About Giles and blender. If you mean if lightmapping is possible directly from blender, no, not yet (although it's planned, but we'd still require loaders for Irrlicht). Giles is a lightmapper that imports many 3d file formats, so my other guess would be to create your stuff in blender, texture it, export it to 3ds or obj (obj exports better IMO), load this file into Giles, place lights and lightmap there, and finally export to My3d to load your lightmapped stuff in Irrlicht.

Unfotunately there's no all-around tool. Some are close to being such, like Deled, which let's you model, edit levels, do basic texturing, place lights and lightmap, but it still lacks some functions. Deled format is fully supported by Irrlicht though. But other tools are specialized on just one task; i.e. Giles for lightmapping or Unwrap3d for UV mapping. You just gotta find a good combination of tools to get your stuff done and stablish it as your production pipeline.
