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Some folk music

Posted: Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:49 pm
by etcaptor
Hi all,
I'm a heavy metal and hard rock fan, but these days I found on the internet this .swf comic clip You can play it with your browser and for me it is a 3d poser model :D
and since I was musician when was young understood that this is a professional music implementation. Suggest there are no something like guitars drums, piano or other musiciant instruments.
Now I just found musician's videoclip: ... _everybody

Seems this is a music from finish folk group - they are unknown for me. I found they very interested :D

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 10:31 am
by strale

i too i know Loutumnia, they are great !!
it seem to be hiptnotic music.
as a lot of Folck musick is.

this year i began a curse of European Folck musik and dances
its very interesting, in my country that sounds were going to be forgotten, but things now seems to change and there are a lot of places where folk is played :P .
My fauvorite til now are scndinavic

and also Metal mixed to folk musik i found great

Posted: Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:24 pm
by Isgalvotas
Quite interesting and strange music~ thanks :)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 5:48 am
by sRc
here's the original flash btw (which should explain to her why that girl from DOA has a leek in her hand)

Posted: Thu Jun 08, 2006 10:39 pm
by jam
Very depressing music.