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MMORPG Usage right for me?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:27 pm
by Tocs1001
I'm working on a MMORPG and was previously useing OGRE as my rendering engine, everything was going great until i hit terrain which was a rather annoyance to pull off, and after much searching, fiddeling, tinkering, and Throwing random breakable lego objects at the wall I decided to look around for another 3D engine. Taking a nice look at the features page I thought IRRLICHT would be right for me and my game, it looks as though you have a Terrain Scene node, does this mean I can have 9 heightmaps loaded in at the same time, this is crucial to my game being pulled off. Ogre's terain was inside the scenemanager and only one could be rendered and their "Paging landscape scene manager" was even more painful to try to use XD so I'm checking out terrain before I pull out the wiki and start redoing the Client side graphic framework o.O...

so Questions are...

1. Can I render 9 hieghtmaps easily and change them easily?

2. Can I easily change the Sky, What sky formats are supported (Box Sphere,plane)?

3. Can I Load in models for later use at anytime?

4. Can I place objects in spots for later rendering without bogging down the system?

5. Do I have the ability to layer multiple textures and switch animations?

just to double check on everything i need =)

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:34 pm
by sudi
1. Yes.
2. Yes(Only Box is build in).
3. Yes.
4. I don't know what u mean.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:40 pm
by Tocs1001
Well yey for box Skys!

By layering textures i mean...

Say I have a character he is wearing chainmail pants leather top and a pear of metal gauntlets

Can I put the Chainmail texture which has Transparency everywhere but the legs, the Leather Top's texture which has transparency everywhere but the chest and the Glove texture on the hands all ingame so that he's wearing the chainmail pants and the leather top and the glove texture is this easy? To put multiple textures on a model within the game, not in the modeler?

by switching animations I mean...

Can I trigger the Walk animation, then switch it to the batlle animation without reloading the mesh?

edit oh number 4....

Well like can i say I want a mesh at <500,300,200>

and the camera be at like <0,0,0> and if i get within range then it render so i can set up a whole area then have them rendered when they come in range.... Or do i have to write that myself?

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:45 pm
by hybrid
Sudi asked for topic 4 (which sounds almost like 3). For 5. yes, you can do both. But your texture handling seems to be weird (you don't UV map trousers at the head with transparency, you just use the head texture there). You can change textures during runtime, but it's sometimes difficult because it's hard to find the correct objects to change textures for. There's also a texture animation which could be probably used.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:48 pm
by Tocs1001
Well see the Avatar model has one big texture so if i just want to texture pants I leave the rest of the texture transparent so when I lay it across the model its only on the legs, I tested it with ogre seems to work fine...

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:56 pm
by hybrid
I still don't get it, but Irrlicht supports 4 textures per Material, and if you want each face can get it's own material. You might need some updated material renderer here, but since 4 textures are quite new such renderer will probably be included into Irrlicht soon.

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:49 pm
by gfxstyler
we should have a mmorpg-counter at the top of the page :)

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:28 pm
by Tocs1001
=.= if your moching my project don't I've planned for this for a long time :twisted:, I just messed up picking a 3D engine, hopefully Irrlicht will fit the bill this time =D ..... The address will change soon I'm gonna get a Domain as soon as pre-alpha is ready =)

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:19 pm
by JP
Like the pictures on your webpage :D

And i don't think anyone asnwered your question about number 4; placing all objects and only rendering those in view. Irrlicht does this automatically, anything which is out of the view of the camera will not be rendered until it becomes in view!

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:33 pm
by Tocs1001
=) thats good

Posted: Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:33 pm
by Tocs1001 it gave me forum error.... it said it didnt post, sry :?