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(C++) Procedural Texture Manager + Cross Plane Scene Node

Posted: Thu Jun 29, 2006 4:15 pm
by CZestmyr
Hello, my fellow Irrlichters! Czestmyr is back and he brought a few presents for you :wink:. I hope, you'll find them useful.

Some of you may remember my procedural fire scene node. Well I've done something similar now. It's called Procedural Texture Manager and you may create and manage procedural textures with it. So far, the only choice is a simple test procedural texture and fire texture, but I'll soon add more. You could create your own procedural texture types as well, because it is not so hard. You only have to create a procedure, which manipulates the texture's pixels in each iteration.

I've uploaded a simple project to my site. It can be obtained here: It consists of few textures, the PT Manager and a "Cross Plane Scene Node", which creates two intersecting planes that can be used as a mesh for the fire textures. It also contains my older GUI Digit Viewer, which shows value of a variable in a digit counter.

I migrated to Linux some time ago, so the project is for linux. In order to compile it, just unzip it somewhere, change the library and include paths in the Makefile according to your Irrlicht path and type "make". For Windows users - Sorry, you'll have to create your own Irrlicht project and copy/paste the code from showcase.cpp there. Don't forget to change slashes to backslashes in the texture path strings.

Screenshot from the showcase program of my Procedural Texture Manager:

Looking forward to your feedback! (positive as well as negative)