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Weird graphical anomalies with nodes

Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:11 pm
by Gatekeeper
Hi there,
The other day in another topic people were talking about using a tile based map.

Now, what I had suggested is using a heap of cube shaped nodes and putting them next to each other, which is what I was doing for my tile based map (which, by the way, is only every going to be 20 x 25 tiles - so please don't reply that there may be other "better" ways to do it).

Anyway, somebody suggested that you could just use planar nodes instead. I thought this was a good idea, and so I made up a quick planar node and added it in instead of my cubes.

And that's when I started getting some weird effects. This pic is what I get when I use my planar nodes and place them all exactly next to each other:


Looks weird, right?

Well, I don't really get this effect when I use cubes. Well... I get a few tiny artifacts, but nowhere near what the planar nodes give me.

I'm fairly sure there's a good explanation for this, but my knowledge of what goes into actually projecting an object in 3D is pretty rough.

Also, if you look closely you can see a definite area where the image goes from being crisp to a little blurry. I know this is a trick used in 3D engines, but I can't remember what it's called or how I change it's settings.


Posted: Fri Jun 30, 2006 11:44 pm
by Acki
Perhaps you don't see this affect lesser by using cubes, because of you look through the holes (like with planar nodes) but you see the sides of the cubes instead of the blanc space ?!?!?

Maybe you did the calculation for the positions wrong and so they are one unit to large ???

What does your code look like ???

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 1:53 am
by Gatekeeper
Yeah, I assumed that's why the cube nodes didn't show gaps between them.

I changed the spacing of the tiles (they were 200 units wide, so I made the placement loop place them at every 195 units) and that fixed it. I wasn't satisfied with this answer though, and so I loaded the mesh.

Sure enough, it was 200 units wide. However, I'd forgotten to map a texture to it in 3ds. So I did that, saved it and now when it loads everything looks fine.

I didn't think I necessarily had to map a texture in 3ds, especially on an object that is basically square and flat.

Posted: Sat Jul 01, 2006 11:07 am
by Acki
Ahhh... ;)

I had a similar prob when creating a tiled based terrain...
I created single meshes, each by 4 vertices and textured them...
Now as I remember I think this is exactly what you did, because I had the same problem (long ago)... ;)
What I found was that the texture coordinate for a vertex never should be 1.0 !!!
The range for texture coordinates should always be within 0.0 to 0.999999, but never 1.0 !!!