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ShootIrr - [UPDATE - Alpha 0.8]

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 1:08 pm
by sudi
Team Members:
Daniel Sudmann(Sudi) - Programmer and maker of crappy art
(Yeurl - special tools and effects)

Everyone that wants to help send me a mail with the tastk he wants to take.



The Project:

To get a really cool but still simpel game done by showing more or less what irrlicht is capable of.....besides that making an enjoiable multiplayer shooter.


PC Windows/Linux

Used Libaries
Graphics: Irrlicht
Physics: Newton
Network: RakNet
Sound: Audire,OpenAl,fmod
I suggested these libaries because they are all cross platform

The game is seperated in a Client and Server Software.
The client gets data and visualizes it.
The Server gets commands and sends out data.

Game Mechanics
Core Gameplay
The game is meant to be played by multiple players other a network or the internet. The goal is manly to collect items and weapons to fight the other players. These items and weapons can be modified, completly exchanged or removed with the shiped tools.

Game Modes
-------Scoring System
-Shoot some one gives u one point
-getting shoot takes away a point
-killing two players in a row gives u 2 extra points
-killing three players in a row gives u 4 extra points
-killing four players in a row gives u 8 extra points
-Shoot some one gives u one point
-getting shoot takes away a point
-killing two players in a row gives u 2 extra points
-killing three players in a row gives u 4 extra points
-killing four players in a row gives u 8 extra points
-if the other team is completly dead every teammember of the
other team gets 20 extra points
-Shoot some one gives u one point
-getting shoot takes away a point
-getting the enemies flag gives 10 points to u and 2 to the rest of
the team
-returning the flag gives 4 points to u

Controling the player
The players move forward, backward, strafeleft and right with player defined keys(menu). They can rotate their view, look up and down with moving the mouse. They can jump by pressing the jumpkey and crouch by pressing the correspodending key to that. They pick up weapons and ammonition by simply running over it. Special items have to be picked up with the use key and later use them by pressing the itemkey. The usekey can also be used to go inside vehicles or press buttons.(vehicles might be included later)

The player can join other games or build his own server and join there. If the player is on the server he will see an ingame menu with three options:
-Join (depending on gamemode here two buttons redteam blueteam)
Ckliking join means he will spawn in the game world.
Spectate will simply close the window and the player is able to fly around
leave will leave the server
This menu can be reached during the whole game by pressing esc.
Changing the team in a team gamemode will cause a 5 points penalty.
When u die u drop ur equipted gun so everyone else can pick it up and the camera will rotate for five seconds around ur dead body...then u respawn. If u press esc within this time u lose a point for every second that was left and u wont respawn until u press join again.
When u pickup a droped/placed gun u gain the gun and 10 shells ammo for that gun even if u already got the gun u get the 10 shells. Placed ammo packs can have different ammount of ammo inside depending on the settings made in the leveleditor. Same with amor jackets and health packs.


The physicsengine will handel the collsion between the players and the level. And the bullets and the bodyparts of the player. The cal3d animation tool allows to get bounding boxes for every bone so the these boxes will have a special material which collide with the bullets. The player collisionspheres which are used for levelcolliding don't collide with bullets.

Player send actions and request to the server. Actions can be move forward or stuff like that, requests like requesting the levelstate at the beginning.
The Server sends changing data to the players like moving a player droping and item or picking one up.

Tools and formats

Defining base levelhighmap. Placing static meshes of game own format. Placing pickups and Playerstarts and placing light sources.
All placed meshes either static or pickups can be scaled and rotatet.
Furthermore deathtime can be modified and the weapons avaible for this level can be changed(?modding?) therefore selfmade guns can be used without a problem.
Healthpacks, Ammopacks and armor jackets can be placed with whatevermesh assigned to them and the value for the stuff is also variable.
Everything can be saved to LevelFile(XML?). Besides that level script the editor compiles a meshfile for the collision detectionloading.(to speed up loading times)

i would suggest an editor where u define on startup how many points the map will have like 256*256 or something and the distance betwen the points than it generates a mesh with these points and displays it. further on it generates a scenenode for every point and links the scenenode position to the vertex position in the mesh. and since u can easily select scenenodes with irrlicht you are now able to change the position.
Everything can be saved to TerrainFile including a special physics datafield for fast collisionmesh loading.


I don't know if this is the right place to make this post but i didn't see a better place....

My idea is that the community might start a game project where every one can contribute to but still with a consistent aim.
And to be realistic....a singel player game would only be possible when doing a fps.....because it simply would take to much time to make an full blown rpg or rts....there for my idea was to go multiplayer and pull something up in that area. But since i don't really have a good idea and even if i had i could only do the programming cause i really suck at arts.....
So we would have to form a team make up an game concept and go for it....

post here for furtehr suggestions

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:33 pm
by sRc
an Irrlicht community game? sounds like a cool idea :D

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 3:43 pm
by sudi
Nothing more to say?Maybe u want to join?any ideas for the game?

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:13 pm
by Halan
Maybe a multiplayer shooter or so. So we could use the CameraSceneNodeFPS and maybe even improve it :)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 4:14 pm
by sudi
OK multiplayer shooter....any special stuff? or just the standard?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:32 am
by BattleElf
Sounds like a great idea.

As for special stuff I think it depends on what the aim of this would be. Do you want it as a base that people can use for their own games? If so I think it'd be good to include vehicles (both flight and land), things like water and good weapon effects to show off the engine capabilities and have stuff like the weapons being driven from config files for easy extensibility.

I'd love to work on something like this but I'm involved in a couple of projects already so I'm a little short on time but one of the projects is irrlicht based with similar goals to the above so I can see the possibility of contributing.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 6:13 am
by chromdragon
A cool ThechDemo?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 9:51 am
by sudi
BattleElf wrote:it'd be good to include vehicles (both flight and land) u would suggest using a physics engine? or should it be something just using irrlicht?

ohh and i'm still in the need of members cause i wont be able to do this alone..ok maybe but it would take much longer than in a team.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:35 am
by needforhint
I am in, I am still not on any game project yet. They all were always only some air castles of some guys that never came true, but Sudi, I think you are some reasonable person to be joined with :wink: . I would love to improve rendering of the game as well as do some any other stuff. At this point, you can only email me at . Our file transfers can be done through web space, as I have some web space out there, that is fast and good.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 11:49 am
by sudi
sounds good needforhint i'm happy to hear that u are in.
ok so now we are two....what would u or can u do for the project?
oh and because of the weapons like BattleElf suggested with the config u think the same? and if so could somebody maybe put up an idea for the config?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 12:18 pm
by BattleElf
Sudi u would suggest using a physics engine? or should it be something just using irrlicht?
I'm not too sure, like I said it depends what your goals are with this I think. If you just want something to showcase irrlicht then probably leave out the physics engine, but if you want this to both show off irrlicht and be a base for people to use for their games then the physics engine would be quite helpful.

With the weapons you don't necessarily need to use config files, just having it all coded in the engine is fine but I think it needs to be done in a way that it's easy to mod and add to. I've looked at a couple of engines before where it took quite a bit of fiddling to add new weapons because everything was hard-coded in specifically for those weapons.

Some ideas for weapon stats are weapon name, projectile type(laser, bullet, etc), speed, range, damage, blast radius, mesh name, texture...
As you can see from that there's a lot of stats that could be read from a config file and parsed thru a standard weapon manager.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 1:35 pm
by sudi
Sounds good but if i would load the weapons out of a config file it would need to be something u can't modiefy without a tool cause it's multiplayer and people would cheat by using it.
and stuff like speed, range, damage, blast radius sound like ammo specific stuff.
oh and the vehicle seam to be to hard for a first maybe later but physics will be in because then i don'T need irrlicht on the server only the physics engine.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 3:56 pm
by needforhint
what I feel doing about the project most, is coding GPU shaded materials

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 5:22 pm
by Akano
Let the server make a remote hash check on the client files, and if they where modified, then kick or ban the cheater. It's better than using non readable files, as also these could be changed. If it is a com project i think the editor will be available and so cheating gets again possible.

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 8:52 pm
by RustyNail
Water Vehicles....
Do the weapons like Quake 2:

Code: Select all

/*QUAKED weapon_bfg (.3 .3 1) (-16 -16 -16) (16 16 16)
        "models/weapons/g_bfg/tris.md2", EF_ROTATE,
/* icon */        "w_bfg",
/* pickup */    "BFG10K",
/* precache */ "sprites/s_bfg1.sp2 sprites/s_bfg2.sp2 sprites/s_bfg3.sp2 weapons/bfg__f1y.wav weapons/bfg__l1a.wav weapons/bfg__x1b.wav weapons/bfg_hum.wav"
(I think that is the right code...)

And I think it should use a seperate Physics engine...
I think that this should be a game that could be moddable like Quake2... - Modding is, in my opinion the best way to learn Irrlicht and general programming... And can join, maybe some programming (though I would not be very useful) and the same with Modeling...