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irrlicht 1.10 - Source is unzipped

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:13 pm
by Mikenoworth
I like how Irrlicht was packaged this time, with the source unzipped. Of course, I still wont compile Irrlicht (dx sdk is a nogo for me) but it is nice to be able to instantly dig into the code without first realizing its zipped, then be mad cuz I'm lazy and don't want to unzip it.

So thank you Irrlicht, you've helped keep me lazy. :)

Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 7:31 pm
by hearsedriver
If you're too lazy to do some simple mouse clicks or type a simple command like gzip, you won't get very far with computers at all... ;-)


Posted: Mon Aug 07, 2006 8:40 pm
by Mikenoworth
:lol: Don't let me being lazy confuse you with me being a bad programmer. I've done it for about 12 years now and not once has being lazy let me down. In fact, it helps. When you hit a problem you can't resolve you get lazy and quit out and don't touch it for a couple days. Then the next time you get in it, BLAM NINJA the answer pretty much jumps out at you and you fix it easy.

I think I have enough experience to say lazy is the way to go.

Programming is based on being lazy. :) Everything is coded so you have to do as little as possible to get things done. Game design is also based on lazy.. The whole "user-friendly" idea, what does that really mean? "This is for lazy users who do not want to figure out how to work a complex interface". For example, the blender interface is complex so alot of users hate it. 8)

Anyway. I like the packaging, what did you think? No difference?

Posted: Tue Aug 08, 2006 4:39 am
by RustyNail
8) Ah, the virtues of being lazy....

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 3:28 am
by luckymutt
The source isn't zipped? sounds like a goof-up to me
I'd rather have it zipped and have a smaller download.

btw: why do you say dx sdk is a nogo for you?
and even still, you can compile it without dx

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 4:01 am
by vitek
Usually a zip within a zip is not compressed or the compression achieved is very small, so the overall space savings is nil.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 8:22 am
by gmcbay
luckymutt wrote: btw: why do you say dx sdk is a nogo for you?
and even still, you can compile it without dx
I can't speak for the original poster, but presumably he can't compile it because his version of the DX SDK is one of the newer releases of DX9, which no longer ship with DX8 headers that are required to compile the DX8 renderer. Of course, he can either just not compile the DX8 renderer, or install an older version of the DX9 SDK, IIRC the 'Summer 2004' release (still available on, somewhere) still has those DX8 headers in it and thus can be used to compile all of Irrlicht/win32.

Posted: Wed Aug 09, 2006 10:53 pm
by Mikenoworth
8) . You guys are close on the directx sdk, but so far off.

I have a small, small, small, and very old hard drive. And since my super awesome yet totally sucked balls 80 gig hd died, there is no room for the sdk on it. This is my dillema until I save up for a new one.

It's bad enough trying to code with this old thing, every so often the hd does some operation and I can no longer type until it gets close to finishing.

I've had it since I was what.. 17, 24 now.. Damn. Too long. And who knows how long it had been running before I had it, it is a hand-me-down from my brother.

Zipping file A into zip Z, I believe, will only compress zip file A's header info, because everything else is already compressed.

Isn't zip compression just 0 byte removal?

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 3:23 am
by luckymutt
vitek wrote:Usually a zip within a zip is not compressed or the compression achieved is very small, so the overall space savings is nil.
Sure, but I am not suggesting a space savings by trying to compress a zip file further...I am talking the difference between the source folder itself being zipped (regardless of it being added into another archive) versus it not.

@Mikenoworth- wow...and I thought I had it bad with my AMD 1.6

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 5:53 am
by Mikenoworth
Yes, feel somewhat better. :)