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error when executing hello world (DEV-C++ compiled)

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:11 pm
by lenx
Hi there,
I followed the dev-c++ tutorial here and i could compile the whole hello universe thing without any error. Althoug when executing the .exe i get the following error box popping up:

"The procedure entry point _ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventRecieverEPKc could not be located in the dynamic link library Irrlicht.dll."

I did not set any path variable or something, but i did put the Irrlicht.dll file in the windows/system32 folder and I also put it in the same folder as the .exe file. Am i doing smth wrong here? Im kinda desperate after fidling with code for hours and having accomplished nothing yet :(
Thanks for all help!

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:25 pm
by benny53
your using the wrong dll I'm assuming. When I got that,I removed all my irrlicht versions cuz I was stupid enough to download two versions,I then installed it again,set the linker and includes,and then you can use it. Or,you could also look for the dev cpp devpak.

Posted: Sun Aug 27, 2006 6:39 pm
by lenx
that could have been a reason since i still had 1.0 installed somewhere, however it didnt work after deleting.

Anyway, you guided me to the solution with this post! Appearantly i was stupid enough to use the win32 dll file instead of the gcc file. I just replaced the Irllicht.dll file with the correct one and now it works :) Thanks a lot!