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Missing Features?

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 1:09 pm
by gabb
Hi guys!

I know the .NET wrapper is not feature-complete but I am looking for some stuff and quite frankly don't know where to look for it anymore, maybe you can help me out here.

1) Can I do something like node.getMesh() and operate on the mesh directly or is this not yet implemented?

2) I am using SphereNodes from a loaded .irr file, since there is no wrapper for the SphereSceneNode class yet - can I somehow modify the number of polygons or the radius with C# code or do I have to reload the .irr file again after I changed the scene myself in the editor?

3) is there a getSceneNodeById() method anywhere? Currently I am retrieving all RootSceneNode children and iterating with a IEnumerator through it until I find the matching Id. I assumed that a basic function like that would be implemented somewhere?

Thanks in advance,

Posted: Sat Sep 02, 2006 2:03 pm
by DeusXL
1) There's a patch for Irrlicht .NET which allows you to work with a mesh buffer. You'd try to search the Newton Tutorial for C# in the main page.

2) I'd say that you must modify the ".irr" but I never worked with Irrlicht .NET 1.1.

3) There are no such method but what you are doing *should* work.

In addition to point 3], I'd say that it's normal that this function is not implemented... Actually, if I remember the last time I looked at Irrlicht.NET, the structure of the wrapper would not allow such a thing (because of boxing/unboxing problems).
I had the same problem with my wrapper (which has all the three points working btw :P) and I needed to restart almost everything with a new architecture.