Page 1 of 1 Parallex

Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 3:39 am
by Darkelfv
Trying to convert the parallex demo to

Im not for sure if this is possible sence i can not find these 2 things that are used in the code for .net

Code: Select all

'node.GetMaterial(0).MaterialTypeParam = 0.2F - says i can not pass a value to this. 
'device.VideoDriver.makeNormalMapTexture(tex,9.0f) - no makenormalmaptexture function.
"from example 11 driver->makeNormalMapTexture(normalMap, 9.0f);"
I have tried compiling the rest of the code with out these statements and it renders fine with no shaders.
When i try with shaders everything is white and there is no texture or no parallax mapping, the example bin does work. I only have one light in the scene is it required to have more then one light, or a moving light?

Has anyone got example 11 to work in .net? Is there a source for tutiorals in any .net language for things like this? I see some examples in .net c# with the download.

any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Posted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 7:43 pm
by Rainbringer
I have the same proiblem like you... but i had the idea to make own normalmaptextures.. they are made of the colors red, green, blue... but i don't know how it works correctly...
this map.. saved as jpg or bmp,... has to be used as the heightmap. with a moving light you can see the effect. i'll put my code here when i have internet at home.
at are no tutorials for parallaxmapping in vb.
Does anyone know how to create normalmaptextures by yourself?

mfg Rainbringer

Posted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 7:32 pm
by Rainbringer ... highlight=

maybe a help for you...

mfg Rainbringer