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Ugly Rendering, why???

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 8:25 am
by Marco_Tmp
I have two questions...

1- I have a laptop with a Trident Video Acelerator Cyber Blade-i1, running winxp, and i have irrlicht 0.5.
Why all bsp maps are rendered without lightmaps...?


2- How can i do backward animation? I'm looking for something like:
//setMD2Animation(EMD2_ANIMATION_TYPE anim, bool AnimateForward);//
setMD2Animation(EMAT_RUN, false);

what can i do?


We only use Irrlicht in Republica Dominicana!!! :D

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 11:46 am
by niko
@1: If you are using linux, lightmaps are disabled currently as default. But this will change with the next version of the engine. Otherwise, maybe d3d says that you only have 1 texture unit, and they are disabled because of this.

@2: currently not possible. You could change the source of the engine or code your own animated mesh scene node if you like.

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2004 4:34 pm
by jugurdzija
i have also laptop with trident cyberblade ai1...unfotunatly this 3d accelerator has only direct3d hardware acceleration,but you can simulate opengl hardware acceleration through direct3d driver,all you have to do is to download latest version of scitech glDirect(currently it is version 4.0.1) and you will have all openGL 1.4 extensions-GL_ARB_MULTITEXTURE only with one texture unit :( and you can play all openGL games...but as far as irrlicht is concearn,it seems that this doesnt work so you will always have to choose direct3d render.

quake map is renderer with lightmaps on my laptop by the way.
reply if you want me to send you a link with the latest drivers for this graphics chip.

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:16 am
by Marco_Tmp
Of course jugurdzija, i want you send me this link, i will apreciate it a lot!!! :D

Niko, with respect to backward animation, I'll try to make my own animated mesh scene node, but it could be great if you add this in a newer version of irrlicht. :wink:


We only use Irrlicht in Republica Dominicana!!!

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 5:20 am
by jugurdzija
unfortunatly,you will have to go to your laptop manufacturer to download trident driver
i have ibm think pad with trident...