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Example 08 Shadow -- help with problem

Posted: Tue Sep 26, 2006 9:39 pm
Hello, in example 8 of the Tutorials, (using DX9 or OGL 1.5, Irrlicht 1.1) the shadow freezes when looking at the wall behind you (turn around).

Upon launching, the camera faces the dwarf, if you only move the mouse to look slightly down and to the right... following the shadow as it moves along the walls behind the camera...then the shadow... will just STOP.

At first I thought this was a peculiarity... but I confirmed this behavior with another user of IrrLicht on a different system.

One other thing... if you look carefully... you will see that inside the shadow there is a VERY small miniature of the Dwarf model...

Its hard to say if these 2 problems are related in some way... or not.
I was hoping to get some help as to what may be causing these problems?

I did a search and hit over 78 pages... I was only able to read the first 15 or so, and then the search engine I apologize if this was already covered.

How do we fix this?
