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Squad Tactics - Announcement

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:33 am
by shurijo
Squad Tactics

A turn-based strategy game using small elite teams to compete against AI or other players. Gaming system will be based on hexagon tiles with multiple elevations (goal is to get near SimCity-like style). Each square will be human-size, so the map will be based more on close combat and small scenarios (around the “real world” size of a FPS game map).

Each team will be based on points. A player will have x number of points to assemble a team. So that player may choose 3 riflemen vs 1 rifleman and 1 machine gunner, etc. Each team will be based on 13 units (3 fire teams, 1 squad leader), then the Squad Commander (player) will remove or modify units using his/her points. Items such as sniper rifle or grenades (AOE) will cost points, etc.

The “style” of the game will be determined and configured by the user. Examples include: Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Military, etc. Different units will be available based on the game style.

Technology in-use:
- Irrlicht Engine
- TinyXML

- Very basic framework established (game play, game settings, squad selection)
- XML documents for maps, units, squads
- Basic tile textures
- Hexagon map tiling system with 6 vertices of X,Y,Z
- Tile selection (collision detection)
- Map rendering in “birds-eye” and oblique modes with zoom-in, zoom-out, etc.

To Do List: (near future)
- Add Saigumi’s Othogonal 3D Engine for top-down viewing
- Add music (Audiere)
- Create my own tiles, models
- Increase vertices of each hexagon
- Finish point calculation system
- Finish “Squad Management” creation, editing section

To Do List (Far Future):
- Implement AI
- Implement Multiplayer
- Implement Tutorial & Scenarios

About myself
Beginner C++ programmer (took a few college classes recently)
* Long-time basic programmer (from Smart Basic c.1985, Apple Basic, Qbasic, VB, to VB.NET)
* Web programmer (ColdFusion, ASP, ASP.NET, DHTML, JavaScript)
* XML developer

(* denotes my current job duties)

Posted: Tue Mar 02, 2004 7:56 am
by Tyn
Hmm, turn based eh? There's quite a few of those being produced ( not just in Irrlicht ) maybe the days of X-Com will come again :D

Posted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 8:06 pm
by Guest
hi, i'm a italian boy.

I begin to program a game very similar to your idea but i haven't a server.
How you fix these problem?