Rotating bounding boxes, aka colliding swords ?

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Rotating bounding boxes, aka colliding swords ?

Post by Guest »

Hello all

I was wondering if it was possible to rotate a bounding box that is used for collision detection. Basically I have two swords that I move about a 3D room and I I want them to be able to collide with each other.
And while it works as long as both swords are pointing straight up, as soon as I rotate them the collision gets very stange indeed, I suspect because the ellipsoide in the collision response animator does not rotate along with the mesh.

Is it possible to somehow use a full mesh for collision detection instead of a bounding box, or rotate the box such that it follows the rotation of the mesh it is attatched to (either of the two swords) ?

Thanks for any help in advance!
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu Feb 26, 2004 11:38 pm

Post by Cal'Mihe »

Bah, forgot to log in :p
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Joined: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:51 am
Location: Brisbane, QLD, Australia

Post by Domarius »

(Old thread, I know, but...)

Irrlicht uses aabb's - Axis-Aligned Bounding-Boxes. When the mesh rotates, so does the bounding box. Its super-fast collision too.
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