Problem with normal mapping textures

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Joined: Wed May 24, 2006 5:36 pm

Problem with normal mapping textures

Post by Zandman26 »

Im a prodject leader for a (MMO)RPG game with some really new idéas. And the prodject is moving forward quite fast, thou Im going to start getting even more pushy on my guys as I whant to be able to give you guys a homepage to look on how we progress.
Well well, everything with the engine has worked fine, mostly due to DeusXLs great wrapper as were using C# to do the progress, that I write my question here is that I need the question awnserd quickly and it seams that the .NET forum is not as active as the C++ part yet. So to my question.

I have a UV texture that have worked fine to "color" my blacksmith node but when I use the same UV to get the bumpmap effect on it, well then it messes up everything, the blacksmith gets blue (should be white with dark woodpanels and stone floor) and the UV does no longer work as a UV but uses the same texture on the roof as on the floor, and the same texture on the woodpanels gets the wall texture. So my question is, can I use a UV on my mesh or do I need to break both the UV and the mesh up and do it part by part or is there a function when normal mapping that can use a UV to get the right texture on the right place?
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