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problem running examples compiled with devcpp

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:12 am
by darkraven
Hopefully someone can help me out in trying to figure this problem I'm having. I know there are other threads kind of about this topic but I'm not sure if I've seen anything on what is happening to me and trust me I've been searching but then again I could of missed it sorry.

First thing is I've done all the tweaks and suggestions on many threads in different forums about dev-c++ and directx. I've recompiled successfully without error the engine with dev-c++.

My problem comes with the examples and I mean all of the examples. First time through I set all the device driver to EDT_OPENGL or EDT_SOFTWARE and compiled. Successfully compiled and built the exe. I put the dll created from dev-c++ compilation in the source folder and ran it and it worked perfectly.

Next I changed the device type to EDT_DIRECTX8 and even tried EDT_DIRECTX9 and compiled with out errors on all of them. But ran the executable and every one of then when run starts up showing both the command prompt window and starts to display the device window but a popup message appears saying the program has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Which I doubt there sorry.

But this only happens in dev-c++ and only when device type is set to EDT_DIRECTX8or9. Would this be a proble with dev-c++ compilation or something inside of irrlicht and is there a way to fix this problem. The error message tells me nothing on why it need to close out or what.

I would switch over to VC++ cause a friend has it and it everything compiles and works great using it but I personally don't have it so I'm stuck with the free compilers right now.

So if someone can help understand why I keep getting this error message when using directx and not any other renderer I would be greatly appreciated. And sorry for the long message.

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2004 6:39 am
by Robomaniac
This has been said many times :

Dev C++ does not support DirectX out of the box, you need to download the dev packs (DX9 from the package/update checker, dx8, look on google). Then with a slight modification of the engine, you can get the programs to run with directx. Search the forum.