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Irrlicht DevPak for Dev-Cpp

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 5:14 am
by stoffe
Hello people!

In an effort to make it easier to get Irrlicht up and running with Dev-Cpp, I've started creating a DevPak for the SDK. A DevPak is the package system Dev-Cpp uses to install all those other nifty libraries, so of course Irrlicht should have one too. :)

Currently this DevPak installs the headers, library files, the DLL, documentation and the five first examples/tutorials, everything is arranged so that after install, all you have to do is copy the DLL to the example directory of your choice (or your system dir), open the project and compile, and it should just work.

It would be great if people that is using Dev-Cpp would help trying this out, so this library could be contributed to the Dev-Cpp libraries for more people to discover - of course you are more than welcome to mirror this package anywhere if you wish! :)

The DevPak (about 3.7MB) is located here: ... cht.DevPak

You can browse the files that are included too by going to the directory instead: ... /Irrlicht/

And yes, that is a subversion repository, so you could just check it out if you wish. :)

Don't bookmark these URL:s in cement though, I might still move it especially if I think the repository layout needs a refactoring. ;)

Try it out and tell me what worked/didn't work/wishes/other comments... I'll try to add and tweak the rest of the examples asap, along with anything else of interest, I'm very sleepy now and thought I'd show what I got so far in the meantime.

Bedtime now! :)

Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2004 9:36 am
by niko
Cool :) I didn't know what a DevPak is until now, seems to be very useful :)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 6:39 pm
by stoffe
niko wrote:Cool :) I didn't know what a DevPak is until now, seems to be very useful :)
It is, makes it possible to get up and running with a new library without almost any effort. :) And if it is included in the official Dev-CPP mirrors, it can not only be installed automatically from within the IDE, it can also be discovered that way by casual browsers (is how I've found a lot of others fun stuff at times). It is also possible to create templates for doing "Start new Irrlicht project" and include, etc.

Now, could someone other than me please try it out and say if it works as intended? ;) Would be great to know before I make the rest of the examples and before I try to contact the Dev-CPP guys and ask if they wish to include it in their mirrors. :)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 7:44 pm
by nebukadnezzar
hmm.. i want to compile irrlicht with mingw (without devcpp)
against wich libs i have to link for directx support?
(or can you just send me the Makefiles generated by devcpp??
then i can see myself wich libs i need)

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 9:15 pm
by Boz the virtual being
Hi all,
It works like a dream. I had no problems installing it and running the examples.
Thanks a lot stoffe!

Why do you need to convert the examples? I tried to run an example from the original Irrlicht package and it crashed.

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 11:40 pm
by stoffe
Boz the virtual being wrote:Hi all,
It works like a dream. I had no problems installing it and running the examples.
Perfect, good to know!
Boz the virtual being wrote:Why do you need to convert the examples? I tried to run an example from the original Irrlicht package and it crashed.
The crashes are due to the fact that Irrlicht for Dev-CPP is built without DirectX support, probably all you have to do there is change to OpenGL (or software). Apart from fixing that, I'm mainly altering paths in makefiles and source so that it finds libs, headers and mediafiles automatically - nothing complicated, but very convenient. :)

nebukadnezzar: I don't know, haven't tried it yet, I have used OpenGL instead. I have been meaning to try and find out though (if someone else knows, please tell me too... :))

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 3:54 am
by stoffe
Added examples 6, 7 and 8, then new DevPak is up at the same address as above, weighs in at about 4MB or so at the moment. Please help testing it. :)

Also, searching the Dev-CPP forums I discovered this recently opened site: which aims to be some kind of central repository for DevPaks - I added this there.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 12:29 am
by stoffe
The DevPak (still same URL) is now updated to Irrlicht 0.6, including the new tutorial/example (which means that you can find a Dev-CPP project for it here too ;))

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 6:47 am
by niko
Nice, thanks for this support. As I am a heavy VS.NET user, I always forget to do most of the work in DevCpp too. :)

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 7:43 am
by MarkSA
Thanks very much. I have been struggling since version 4 to even get the hello world example to compile in devcpp at all.

Now I have some confidence about the engine.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 3:31 pm
by pheadbaq
This is great stuff stoffe. Cuts dev time shorter in not having to learn the intricacies of DevC++. Not that learning it is a bad thing, but when you want to make a game, you don't want to spend all your time learning a tool. I liked it a lot, all the examples compiled perfectly first try after copying the Irrlicht dll into the folders. I did notice on a few of the examples that there were many textures Irrlicht couldn't find, but other than that it everything went perfectly smooth. :D Thanks!

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 1:11 am
by nebukadnezzar
hmm i get an compile error ...
CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: In member function `virtual irr::video::IImage*
CImageLoaderJPG.cpp:134: invalid conversion from `u8
(*)(jpeg_decompress_struct*)' to `boolean (*)(jpeg_decompress_struct*)'
make: *** [CImageLoaderJPG.o] Error 1
(I've tried to include dx .., but i can't link dx directly to this error...)

I've just changed the return type from u8 too boolean - because the desription of that method just described a bool

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:08 am
by stoffe
nebukadnezzar wrote:hmm i get an compile error ...
CImageLoaderJPG.cpp: In member function `virtual irr::video::IImage*
CImageLoaderJPG.cpp:134: invalid conversion from `u8
(*)(jpeg_decompress_struct*)' to `boolean (*)(jpeg_decompress_struct*)'
make: *** [CImageLoaderJPG.o] Error 1
(I've tried to include dx .., but i can't link dx directly to this error...)

I've just changed the return type from u8 too boolean - because the desription of that method just described a bool
You are gettign a compile error when trying to do what? :)

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 11:26 am
by nebukadnezzar
when i try to compile the engine myself with mingw (using a modified

Posted: Sun Mar 14, 2004 12:59 pm
by stoffe
nebukadnezzar wrote:when i try to compile the engine myself with mingw (using a modified
So what happens if you try to compile it with an unmodified Makefile then? This seems to be completely unrelated to the DevPak and this thread, since that doesn't include the engine source... but anyways... the project file that comes with the sources should work if you just set the paths to the includes and libraries correct. When you get that to work, you can try to add in DX. You'll need the DX headers, libraries, DLLs, and you need to pass a defined variable to the compiler... see some othe thread I made around here. ;)