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[fixed] getElementFromPoint(), what do you think ?

Posted: Wed Oct 25, 2006 3:52 pm
by jolindien
Here is something looking like a side effect bug :

shouldnt this function be :

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IGUIElement* getElementFromPoint(const core::position2d<s32>& point)
		IGUIElement* target = 0;

		// we have to search from back to front.

		core::list<IGUIElement*>::Iterator it = Children.getLast();

		if (IsVisible)
			while(it != Children.end())
				target = (*it)->getElementFromPoint(point);
				if (target)
					return target;


		if (AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(point) && IsVisible)
			target = this;
		return target;
-> if (AbsoluteClippingRect.isPointInside(point) && IsVisible)

instead of

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IGUIElement* getElementFromPoint(const core::position2d<s32>& point)
		IGUIElement* target = 0;

		// we have to search from back to front.

		core::list<IGUIElement*>::Iterator it = Children.getLast();

		if (IsVisible)

			while(it != Children.end())

				target = (*it)->getElementFromPoint(point);
				if (target)
					return target;


		if (AbsoluteRect.isPointInside(point) && IsVisible)
			target = this;
		return target;
-> if (AbsoluteRect.isPointInside(point) && IsVisible)

The reason why i am stating this is that i'm using the user GUI control CGUITextBox in a tabcontrol in a window, with the CGUITextBox using 70% of the height of the window (i know, pics would be better).

And with this GUI, if you scroll the text within the CGUITextBox what really happens into the code is that a static text is moved upwards/downwards, and then culled for drawing.
So, if you use AbsoluteRect to detect if you are or not on the control, you will get a wrong answer, as the CGUITextBox text is actually "bigger" than the parent window. Then you wont be able to pick the right control (= the window for instance).

After all, getElementFromPoint is used for control "picking", so its a visual thing for users, so you should really try to "pick" what you see = AbsoluteClippingRect.

Dunno if i made it clear, but for me thats an unfortunate bug. What do you think ?