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Dev-C++ problems

Posted: Mon Mar 08, 2004 10:19 pm
by Lightning Willy
I am using Dev-C++ 5 and when I compile the irrlicht dll without changing anything in the source code files, the compilation is succesful but the size of the output file is 0 KB. Here is my log-

Compiler: Default compiler
Building Makefile: "C:\irrlicht-0.5\source\source\"
Executing make...
make.exe -f "C:\irrlicht-0.5\source\source\" all
dllwrap.exe --output-def libIrrlicht.def --driver-name c++ --implib libIrrlicht.a CAnimatedMeshMD2.o CAnimatedMeshMS3D.o CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.o CBillboardSceneNode.o CBspTree.o CBspTreeSceneNode.o CCameraMayaSceneNode.o CCameraSceneNode.o CColorConverter.o CDirectX8Texture.o CFileList.o CFileSystem.o CFPSCounter.o CGUIButton.o CGUICheckbox.o CGUIEnvironment.o CGUIFileOpenDialog.o CGUIFont.o CGUIImage.o CGUIListBox.o CGUIMeshViewer.o CGUIScrollBar.o CGUISkin.o CGUIStaticText.o CGUIWindow.o CIrrDeviceWin32.o CLightSceneNode.o CLimitReadFile.o CMemoryReadFile.o CMeshSceneNode.o COctTreeSceneNode.o COpenGLTexture.o CQ3LevelMesh.o CReadFile.o CSceneManager.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.o CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.o CSoftwareTexture.o CStaticMeshOBJ.o CTestSceneNode.o CTRFlat.o CTRFlatWire.o CTRGouraud.o CTRGouraudWire.o CTRTextureFlat.o CTRTextureFlatWire.o CTRTextureGouraud.o CTRTextureGouraudWire.o CVideoDirectX8.o CVideoNull.o CVideoOpenGL.o CVideoSoftware.o CZBuffer.o CZipReader.o Irrlicht.o os.o CCameraFPSSceneNode.o CGeometryCreator.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.o CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.o CDefaultMeshFormatLoader.o CSkyBoxSceneNode.o CShadowVolumeSceneNode.o C3DSMeshFileLoader.o CSceneCollisionManager.o CIrrDeviceStub.o CParticleSystemSceneNode.o CParticleFadeOutAffector.o CParticleBoxEmitter.o CParticlePointEmitter.o CParticleGravityAffector.o CDummyTransformationSceneNode.o CGUIInOutFader.o CIrrDeviceLinux.o CMeshManipulator.o CMetaTriangleSelector.o COctTreeTriangleSelector.o CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.o CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.o CTriangleBBSelector.o CTriangleSelector.o CVideoModeList.o CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.o CGUIMessageBox.o CGUIModalScreen.o CEmptySceneNode.o CImage.o CImageLoaderBmp.o CImageLoaderJPG.o CImageLoaderPCX.o CImageLoaderPSD.o CImageLoaderTGA.o CLogger.o CTerrainSceneNode.o CDirectX9Texture.o CGUIContextMenu.o CGUIEditBox.o CGUIMenu.o CGUITabControl.o COSOperator.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.o CVideoDirectX9.o CXAnimationPlayer.o CXFileReader.o CXMeshFileLoader.o -L"C:/DEV-CPP/lib" -L"C:/irrlicht-0.5/source/source/jpeglib" -L"C:/irrlicht-0.5/source/source/zlib" -o Irrlicht.dll

C:\DEV-CPP\BIN\DLLWRAP.EXE: Must provide at least one of -o or --dllname options

Execution terminated
Compilation successful

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 6:31 am
by niko
Maybe the Irrlicht DevPak created by stoffe new helps?

Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:49 pm
by Lightning Willy
I don't know if that is the problem. I'm thinking this could possibly be it but I don't know how to fix it: C:\DEV-CPP\BIN\DLLWRAP.EXE: Must provide at least one of -o or --dllname options

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 1:03 am
by stoffe
Exactly what have you done? I did this right now:

* Unpacked 0.5 source
* Opened
* Opened project settings and changed:
** Library directories to "jpeglib" and "zlib" (relative paths)
** Include directory to "include" (relative path)
* Hit CTRL-F9 (Compile)

And it just worked, built a nice fine DLL for me.

If you have no need for building the library yourself, but just intend to use it, you don't need to bother with this though, everything you need is already built, or you could take the really easy route and get the mentioned DevPak - it is upgraded to 0.6 now.