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Heat v0.1 Beta

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 4:16 am
by pricj004
We've just released the beta of our multiplayer shooter called Heat, created using the Irrlicht engine (in addition to IrrKlang, Raknet and Newton). The game was developed as an assessment for a university course, and we'll make the code available soon.

Although we've written a '' master server, we haven't found any server space where we can run it yet, so if you want to play networked, you'll need to enter the IP directly in the join game menu.

The game allows players to enter and exit giant, flying, armoured mechs to battle each other. Please read the ReadMe file (which should install to C:\Program Files\Umbit Interactive\Heat v0.1 Beta\) for more information, including features, key bindings etc.

Currently, some of our features include:

8 unique weapons
Network support for up to 8 players
'Pinwheel' weapon selection (use the mouse wheel)
3D directional sound (using IrrKlang)
Particle effects on rocket smoke trails and explosions
Environmental effects, such as moving clouds and mist
Physics (using Newton) creates realistic simulation (especially for explosions, flying etc)
Expandability for mechs, pilots and levels (we hope for the community to develop their own mechs, pilots and levels to share. These assets can them be placed in the appropriate directories and the game should search and find them automatically)
3rd and 1st person camera
Only applicable items are shown (some items can only be picked up as a mech, others as a pilot. Only the appropriate items are shown, depending on whether you are playing as a pilot or mech).
Colour-coded particle effects under items.
Core game architecture (kills, wins etc) completed
Master server which manages all active games (like etc)
Loading in and writing out game configuration (options etc)
A radar showing mechs, pilots and items
Meters to represent ammo, health and energy
A crosshair (which will be animated in a later release)
Tallyboard in the lower-right corner showing frags and ladder position
Game notifications occur in the top-left for frag events and player entering/leaving events
Menu GUI - all components are interlinked (i.e. icons representing levels, mechs, pilots etc now change depending on the listbox selection etc), menu hovering highlights components, sounds for hovering and clicking, exit confirmation, message boxes for errors and notifications etc
Mechs can fly (which uses their energy)
Pilots have an 'adrenalin boost' feature, which increases their speed
Camera circles around fragged player until they click to respawn
Fading in and out of screens
Full range of game options including mouse sensitivity, mouse inversion, colour depth, resolution, driver, shadows, environment effects, antialiasing, FPU, V-sync, particle effects, music volume and sound volume
Camera 'shakes' upon mech stomp and explosion (proportionate to distance from the source - this was part of our attempts to give the impression of size and weight to the mechs)

We're currently working on ironing out all the bugs, and hopefully a heat-haze shader for the mech exhaust.

Please feel free to play the game and post any bugs, suggestions, comments etc.

We'll post some screenshots soon.

Download link (approximately 78MB): ... a.msi.html

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:47 am
by JP
Internal server error when i tried to download :(

Sounds good though, hope i can download it soon!

I downloaded...

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 10:58 am
by 3ddev
I downloaded the app all right, but then when I tried to run it, it was busy for about 5 minutes on the Loading screen before Windows said the program had to close and to report the error to the software vendor. I am not sure if it happened because of my super-tight firewalls possibly prohibiting the access of a server-client game. Leastways, after the game had closed, windows firewall was displaying a nice little warning message. Hmmmm.... May I suggest that you add error reporting where the app can tell if windows firewall is stopping access to connecting a server? All XP users will encounter this problem, and in full-screen mode the windows firewall dialog doesn't appear until AFTER the game has closed. Just a couple changes should fix this... :lol:

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:02 am
by pricj004
Hey, thanks for your replies. On the few systems I've tested it, its run ok, but so far every beta tester has reported this error. I'm fairly sure it's not caused by the windows firewall - I think its a memory bug. I'll run it though glowcode and re-post.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 12:40 am
by bitplane
a good start :)
a few bugs and comments-
when i fall off the side of the level (the level is extremely dark, its hard not to) i don't start back at the spawn point, i continue falling over and over again. after a few times i'm stuck at the bottom of the map. also, after respawning i'm left with the last selected weapon instead of the starting weapon.
I can pick up the same weapon over and over again, its worth it to see the weapon select method though :)
it crashes when I try and start the game again after quitting
the game crashes when the mech explodes. the mech gets stuck in the walls
also, good soundtrack you got there :)

edit: another bug, if you click too fast on the player select list, the images don't update.

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:43 am
by pricj004
Excellent feedback, thanks for that. We were aware of a few of those bugs (game crashes if you start a new game after finishing one, and falling off the edge causes a respawn in the same location). We have already fixed a few bugs ready for the next release, but we really appreciate your feedback, especially on the bugs we werent aware of.

We've noted that a few of the users crash when loading the game and have a windows firewall pop-up occur. We've been able to fix this problem so far by unblocking the program, and also by playing with a few of the settings regarding driver type, enironmental effects, shadows etc. Can people who had this bug post their experiences about trying different settings etc?

Posted: Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:15 am
by pricj004

Here are some screenshots:


I've added the following features:

Ability to take multiple screenshots by pressing F11 (the file will be saved to data/screenshots/screenxxx.bmp)
Fixed the mech run cycle to remove the jerkiness
Fixed the bug reported by bitplane - being able to pick up multiple copies of the one weapon type
Another bug reported by bitplane fixed: you no longer respawn in the air and repeatedly plunge to your death
Yet another bug reported by bitplane: fixed the 'quick list box selection' bug
And yet another: mech no longer gets stuck in walls
Even yet another: fixed bug which causes respawn with last active weapon instead of default 'starting' weapon (AK47 for pilots)
Made the level lighter
New character names (instead of girl and tdk)
New weapon icons (for rocket launchers)

I have a small to-do list that I want to get done this weekend, including some nice particle effects for sparks and smoke on explosions, greatly improved loading times, a new options icon, making the music and sound volume controls in the options menu work, changing weapon using the mousewheel also causes the weapon mesh the character is holding to change, stop the mech from spasming when its standing still, better specular highlights, volumetric fog, scaling the texture so it doesnt look stretched and few collision system bugs.

I'll upload the revised version later. If anyone has anymore comments, suggestions, bug reports etc, please post.