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Posted: Tue Mar 09, 2004 10:43 pm
by anarkavre
I'm writing a first person shooter for my senior project and was hoping to do more with it then just that. If you are interested in helping with code, maps, or models then please post a reply or e-mail me. Thank you.

Posted: Wed Mar 10, 2004 10:40 am
by vermeer
I have a model which is 75% textured, and almost has all animations sets for an amateur fps character model.

The problem is (and reason you're having a "furious" dwarf as an example instead of it) the file has something internally wrong that mess the animated bones, maybe also weights when exported. Because I mirrored the bones in Character Fx and seems that maybe a bug in character fx.

What i can do is post for you all an exported *.x file of it, from Character Fx, and you all great coders try to read the text x file, and see if it can be "cured" somehow. :)

Also would be a challenge, and an excuse to learn more about x files use...

but the model is open source, anyone can take it and modify it, change the texture, etc. Wont be exclusive of any of you.. but a different texture changes it all...

here are some shots

edit : model is 1924 triangles. (not counting on weapon) texture is unended, and weapon is uva mapped , but untextured.
I have other 2 weapons like that, quite basic and rough made as u see. The model is basicly decently mdoelled. Well, you'd better see it.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 12:26 am
by anarkavre
I think your model is great, If you can please upload it to your website for download that would be great. I would love to use it in IrrlichtFPS.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:07 am
by guest12
I'm vermeer


I am not sure if you understood...the model is internally wrecked. It looks ok when inside Character Fx, but the joints are wrecked internally, it makes crazy things once exported as *.x

looking carefully to the glitches...seems like if the bones(joints) got their orientations all wrecked in an axe or in several axes...also, it is making some weird deformation...but I only appreciate it in the right side of the model...(our left in this picture)

Which also explains more and more is all related to mirroring bones in Character Fx: I did not mirrored the bones in the dwarf example...

So, I think it'd be hard to see how you can fix it with programming, but maybe, throw me some clue and see if I can fix inside Character Fx...actually, I doubt it...

But hey, if someone els has a clue, I'll put the *.x files here, with the textures (oh, in some viewer it is putting the human texture to the weapon (the weapon is untextured) , but this is usually easy to fix.)
please, if anyone solves it, please tell here, and send me the file or upload somewhere...I must anyway mention : this model is open source anyone can use it , there's no exclusive rights. The sense of this is anyone can change, adapt it, indeed, changing texture will make a very different character, etc. If u do so, don't say I made the model, I like to keep credited only for what I entirely did on my own ;)

There's obj versions of the fps guy, and 3 weapons. I'll upload for those prefering to animate in Max or anytother, and just forget about the x issue.

I hope somehow anyone give a glance to the *.x ascii file and tells me a bit what is happening, if they understood it :)

the x file... (I have put a link in the first paragraph of the site... )


Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:16 pm
by anarkavre
Well if you can fix the model or anyone reading this can fix the model please let me know. This model is perfect for my project.

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 9:57 pm
by guest15
i hardly doubt the x file can be cured.

But I have exported as md2.

Only thing is I am not sure about if some vertices got unwelded, also if timing is ok. I mean it could be going to fast or too slow.

I have already an md2 and md3 workflow to output it.

It's 3 files, each one with a group of animations.

One way or the other you will be able to handle it.

May need some coding on your side.

So, tomorrow I'l upload an md3 and an md2 version of the files .

please, once so, post some screenshots on how it is loading in your code.

I'd like to see in what I am failing in the conversion, in case I am failing..

the viewers I have require cfg an dother Id software specific stuff i don't use...

Posted: Thu Mar 11, 2004 10:36 pm
by anarkavre
Thanks for creating a md2 and md3 version. I think you should try Milkshape, it is a pretty good modeling program. Well I tried your model in my game and it is messed up like you said. Though I was able to import the obj model into Milkshape, it loaded just fine, so like I said I think you should try Milkshape.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 4:05 pm
by guest27
vermeer again.

Ok, I uploaded an md2 and md3 TEST. Is not full, just for u to see if it works in your code.

(at my site scroll down, is at the bottom)

is not complete, missing death and strafee animation sas are in other files..

there u have run, iddle, crouch, etc...

I may take sometime at the end on making u a list of the frames according to each animation (ie: 1-12 idlle, etc ;) )

But wont make it until we check it works for you, Ok?

Also, as I told you, please, pass me some screenshots once u load it in your code... Or if someone can pass me an irllitch md3 viewer...better... (I don't have irllitch installed, so I don't have those dlls...) Also would come handy and md2 viewer...

The problem I have had to see them is...most md3 viewers require a cfg file and a syntax I don't know, related to Id games...

the md2, happens more or less the same.

Indeed, my initial plans on this models was have someone load as md2, but later on, preferred loading as x file as is moche nicer graphically, and more accurate, and less memory heavy...

As I highly doubt it is possible to fix the internal x ascii file error, I rather would prefer if the model is loaded (as is, single piece) as md3, rather than as md2. Why? because md2 forces vertex trembling, and has very worse shading than md3. So, please, go with md3 if you can...
But please, do it with interpolation.... (is a setting, I suppose, a kind of flag or something, to be loaded in opengl or whatever...)

If this test works in your engine, then I'll convert the other animations as the format thatwas succesful (hopefuly md3) , and also will try to fix yet exiting slight problems.

I forgot to mention: problems in both formats I'm having are also timming. Maybe is just the setting on the viewer I am using, but runs to fps loss, goes smoothly in every viewer, I mean just runs,jumps slower, the timing in the viewers, as are very old ones, maybe are set at 10 fps, while I made the animation at 24 fps.(~video/animation typical fps)

so, timing, a possible unwelding (maybe in irllitch does not occur, but I wanna see it as I don't want to end up with those loaded with the problem) and maybe...linking the material, as most veiwers force me to select the tga to assign it to the model.

This are way far from standard md2 or md3 models. I haven't followed tight Id software guidelines in anyway but any engine with basic support to these must load them...except Quake ones.. ;)

Any other one that wants to help him, me (I'm curious to know how my model is seen in Irllitch) , and comunity in general with more knowledge, please feel free to make some open source, so you can also use it. But i recommend each of you, re-texture it or have some one make a new texture (mine is almost just started, so don't worry...) much better, as you avoid the possibility of many games looking as having the same model ;) ;)

Of course, I support way much more using only *.x format. But somehow, this model is wrecked internally and can't be converted to *.x (which really is sad...) , so, is the only "hope" for it. I'd have to make a new skeleton, rig it again, weight it, and do all animations again. If I'd have the time, I'd rather prefer to use it in a new model, so to make more. Besides, looks ideal for your fps project.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 4:15 pm
by guest27
Oh, Milkshape...
nope, as far as I tested (I said, I have milkshape purchased) it does not import md2(quake modeller can) nor md3 animation.

Is clear it loads ok the OBJ model, indeed I tested that long ago. As the temp.obj is double checked is free of errors.The problems are related with Character Fx output in skeleton joints and/or weights. Indeed, is seen ok while inside character fx.

I provided the obj, as well as the UV templates of th emodel, the OBJs of the 3 weapons, and the UV template of the only one weapon I linked to the model in the x zip file...didn't add hem in this md2md3 test to reduce download size...

so, people interested in rigging the model bythemselves, download the *.x file at the top of the page....

OOOOPS. I forgot...for the md2 test...I forgot the weapon animation...I'll explain. In md2 files, you could not have a texture for one object, and another for the need the weapon to be a separate md2...
So I exported the weapon animated only need to load in place, not centering its coordinates..once loaded bothe md2 together, he will carry the weapon as I made it...I'll upload now to my site...
One reason more to much better have the md3 work....

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 4:24 pm
by guest27
with that I meant: OBJ does not support animation :) So Milkshape is not a solution.It either would be as can't import md2 nor md3, neither has support for vertex weights...Is good for me to edit static objects, though.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:22 pm
by Rat
Character FX at one time suported Milkshape in animation. You may check to see if you can export to SMD at the least, and at the maximum see if it has a .MS3D export. (MS3D doesnt make a keyframe for every frame, like the SMD export/import does and this makes it hard to fix problems like you have by simply deleting a bad keyframe).

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:44 pm
by guest27
Thanks, I already made tests long ago with dwarf model, exporting milkshape format from CFX, but weights are lost, as Milkshape does not support them. Also happens with smd format (a non weights based format)
MD2 and md3 doesn't base on bones , so neither weights, but vertex animation. At least, that allows smooth torsions at joints of the model...

But anyway, thanks. :)

Still is good that irllitch has support for md2 and md3(for this cases when an x conversion is not possible, also, vertex nimation for sometuff can come handy too..); but as you see for many artists/coders reasons, x is much more convinient.

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2004 5:47 pm
by Rat
its to bad that it doesnt suport UT2K PSK and PSA file formats for modeling, as it supports weights.

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 4:30 pm
by guest45
vermeer here again...lazy for logging in...

anarkavre... Any luck yet?

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:49 pm
by anarkavre
Well here is a alpha version of IrrlichtFPS.