Game Dev - Bringing it all together?

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Game Dev - Bringing it all together?

Post by Liquidream »


I'm at the very early stages of developing a game; I have a level (currently BSP, but considering TerrainNode or something for outdoors as well), some water, a player object, and a console. I now want to start creating the "guts" of the game, which includes: Items, Baddies, Goals, etc, etc. but I'm not sure how best to achieve this.

How can I actually BUILD the levels, with items, assign values to them, etc. etc. Should I create my own "Game Logic structure"? or is there existing alternatives I should use? (scripting??)

Somewhere along the line I guess I need to end up with not just the BSP file, but a "level" file which has all this info saved, then load it in during game play.

If anyone could enlighten me about this I'd appreciate it :D . So far I've been focused on the creating maps, textures, objects, etc. but not thinking about how to "connect the dots"! :oops:


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Post by pheadbaq »

You may want to check out some of the game frameworks built on top of Irrlicht such as Extenic,, and Venom:

I haven't gotten far enough along in my own project to really get experience in what you describe, but in standard application development I'll usually use a few types of UML diagrams (use case and class diagrams mainly) to lay out everything I want to do. By the time that's done and I've thought through them, I can normally see what will/won't work and can change stuff there before I write any code.

I'm not trying to preach strict UML/OOP adherence here, I'm just saying for me they help out tremendously to get a big picture on what the application is going to do.

There are several game-dev sites out there ( to name one) that have tons of articles on various aspects of game creation so you may search around for some of those too.

Hope that helps some. :)
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Re: Game Dev - Bringing it all together?

Post by alexem »

Liquidream wrote:Hi,

I'm at the very early stages of developing a game; I have a level (currently BSP, but considering TerrainNode or something for outdoors as well), some water, a player object, and a console. I now want to start creating the "guts" of the game, which includes: Items, Baddies, Goals, etc, etc. but I'm not sure how best to achieve this.

How can I actually BUILD the levels, with items, assign values to them, etc. etc. Should I create my own "Game Logic structure"? or is there existing alternatives I should use? (scripting??)

Somewhere along the line I guess I need to end up with not just the BSP file, but a "level" file which has all this info saved, then load it in during game play.

If anyone could enlighten me about this I'd appreciate it :D . So far I've been focused on the creating maps, textures, objects, etc. but not thinking about how to "connect the dots"! :oops:


This another good reason fot making IrrLichtED
I'll consider using the Qoole Source code for making one
Yours sencerely,
Alexander Milanoff
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