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A couple of (hopefully) quick issues...

Posted: Thu Nov 30, 2006 3:33 pm
by xyzchyx
Hi. I'm something of a newcomer to the Irrlicht community, having first taken a look at it about a week or so ago.

Anyways, I just downloaded 1.2 today and noticed a handful of peculiarities with the tech demo... For reference, I'm using Linux, with the OpenGL driver, and SDL as the sound library.

The first problem is that full screen mode isn't. It changes the resolution, but does not actually use up the entire screen. In 1.1, full screen mode works correctly.

Two, when running without sound, it crashes at what appears to be around the time that a fireball should impact a wall. The error is a floating point exception. This problem also occurs in 1.1. Running with sound, this error does not occur.

Three, it appears that a couple of the figures (both the fairy at the main menu, and the female model that isn't running between the portals during the demo) are actually cycling through several (if not all) of their possible animations, rather than just standing there as they were in 1.1, yet I cannot find any place in the code where anything other than the standing animation is set for them.

Four, and I noticed this problem in 1.1 as well, is that the fireball does not seem to actually travel any distance if you are pointing upwards at the sky. The fireball simply flashes and then is instantly gone. Again, looking at the code, I have been unable to glean why this would be happening.

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:16 am
by xyzchyx

No response the first time... Let's try just once more.

Re: A couple of (hopefully) quick issues...

Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 9:41 am
by jam
xyzchyx wrote:Two, when running without sound, it crashes at what appears to be around the time that a fireball should impact a wall. The error is a floating point exception. This problem also occurs in 1.1. Running with sound, this error does not occur.
This might fix it.


Posted: Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:41 pm
by bitplane
1, can you recreate this in the other examples by setting fullscreen? i cant test linux, but if its a bug please post info on your graphics card/drivers and a test case to the bugs forum

2, like jam said

3, stand animation was broke for md2 files. easy fix- ... hp?t=17425

4, i havent looked at this but i assume it's because the end-point of the fireball is determined when it is launched. most likely missing code for when the fireball doesnt hit a wall