Skybox problem, Engine is not using zbuffer optimal

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Skybox problem, Engine is not using zbuffer optimal

Post by Balu »

Hi folks!

Thanx for that nice engine, Niko!

I have found a little problem with the camera settings. Zbuffers are not symmetrical in their resolution, so distant objects show artifacts very quickly. This is why a wbuffer should be used in some cases. In order to use the resolution of a zbuffer in an optimal way, the nearvalue of the camera should be as big as possible. For example, if the camera has a size of 30, the nearvalue can be about 30/sqr(2). Unfortunately, it seems that the skybox has a size of 1.0, so if the nearvalue is increased, the box disappears. I found that setting the l-value in the skybox function to about 1000.0 (instead of 1.0) solves the problem. I hope this will be fixed in the future! :)

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