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Forming a definitive tools guide for irrlicht

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:11 am
by Midnight
Ok I've been testing a lot lately with 3D functions and systems.

I'm having problems left and right concerning models and animations.

Not just that but what tools I'll be using.

I would like to form a list of FREEWARE - COMMERCIAL USE - COMPLETE tools.

I'm asking those who know the licenses for things like blender.

1. Modeling Apps - Blender
2. Mapping Apps - GTK Radiant, Blender, Irr Internal (terrain node)
3. Sound Engines - openAL, Irrklang
4. Networking Engines - I found one on source forge "not sure about license" I'll be writing my own I think
5. Physics Engines - ODE (not for console)
6. Documentation Software - openoffice
7. Imaging Software - gimp

These are all the FREEWARE - COMMERCIAL USE - COMPLETE tools I know of off hand please when posting include a brief description of the licence. (optional if totally free/commercial use)

There is no reason why we shouldn't share this knowledge collectively and save ourselves and others the time of searching for this information.

The goal in mind is not to obscure users from reading the licences but to direct them to the right place to do so without forcing people to search each and every licence on the internet.

I hope I'm not alone in this adventure. thank you in advance. 8)

EDIT:: I'll keep adding to the list until it reaches a point to place it in howto.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:33 am
by TheC
Removed due to my stupidity :D

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 2:48 am
by bgsteffens
OpenOffice - For documentation or readme files
Gimp - Image editing

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:23 am
by Midnight

no commercial products... Commercial USE! ONLY 100% FREEEEEE!!!


We already have a list of tools this is a list of free for commercial use tools only please. thank you.

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 7:41 am
by ChrisC
I've has some nice results with bullet physics,
mesh collisions are more mature than ODE,
ODE maybe has the edge on joints tho...

[EDITED] for word wrap!!!

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 4:45 am
by TheC

I misread " FREEWARE - COMMERCIAL USE - COMPLETE" thinking you wanted the tools divided.

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2006 12:43 pm
by vermeer
I'll edit post some nice additions (ie: modelling(in what is modelling only): Wings, but there are quite more 'free to use tools with comercial use allowed' , which I am understanding is what you'd like to be here. )

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 5:50 pm
by JPulham
Netwroking : HawkNL or RakNet.
HTTP : custom... I hate having 500 drivers packed with my game :D
Level Editing: DeleD
Animating : Misfit 3D (for now)

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:03 pm
by Midnight
you guys don't get it.

raknet is not free.. not for commercial use.

... :evil:

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:11 pm
by jAyTeA
Networking: ENet ( )

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 7:41 pm
by RapchikProgrammer
Its amazing to see that the post has 9 replies and no one mentioned newton physics!

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:40 pm
by sudi
because newton isn't free for commercial use

Posted: Mon Dec 11, 2006 8:46 pm
by Saturn
Newton is free for commercial use.

Posted: Tue Dec 12, 2006 8:57 pm
by xtheagonyscenex
tokakmak commercial or not

Posted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:05 pm
by Midnight
I posted this in the correct forum thanks for informing me an obviously active on a daily basis member for 2 years running.

I was going to put a single post complete list of what information I had gathered from the "help section" as in help me form a list.

but whatever. :roll:

EDIT:: oh btw thanks everyone we're really getting somewhere now.

I just realised the name of the thread must be throwing everyone off.