only virtual irr::sceen::ISceneManager::createCollisionRespo

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only virtual irr::sceen::ISceneManager::createCollisionRespo

Post by kakTuZ »

After I had a look at the collision detection tutorial I tryed to use it in my project. But I get a problem while compiling ( I am using Dev-C++ ).

He marked the following part:

Code: Select all

    ISceneNodeAnimator* pAnim = m_pSMGR->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
                        m_pWorld->m_pSelector, m_pPlayer->m_pNode, 
                        vector3df(10,10,10),vector3df(0,-100,0), 100.0f );
withthese error lines:
no matching function for irr::sceen::ISceneManager::
candidates are: virtual

And shows me these lines (from "IScheneManager.h"):

Code: Select all

		virtual ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse* createCollisionResponseAnimator(
			ITriangleSelector* world, ISceneNode* sceneNode, 
			const core::vector3df& ellipsoidRadius = core::vector3df(30,60,30),
			const core::vector3df& gravityPerSecond = core::vector3df(0,-100.0f,0),

			f32 accelerationPerSecond=100.0f,
			const core::vector3df& ellipsoidTranslation = core::vector3df(0,0,0),
			f32 slidingValue = 0.0005f) = 0;

I get the Scene Manager whith
ISceneManager *m_pSMGR = m_pIrrDevice->getSceneManager();

Then I tried to compile the Example. That worked. Where is my mistake?
Why is the function just virtual? Is there a posibility to get anoter SceneManager wo is derived form ISceneManager which has a function body for createCollisionResponseAnimator?
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Joined: Sun Mar 14, 2004 7:28 pm
Location: Hannover (Germany)

Post by kakTuZ »

I was not able to solve the problem, so I commentet the critical code out an tryed to include heigthmaps. And I got the same Problem agein with

My problem is that the compiler only finds a pure virtual definition of the funktion.

Code: Select all

virtual [typ] [name]( [arglist] ) = 0;

Ok, das Problem hat sich erledigt. Ich habs dann mal mit MSVC++ versucht. Dadurch sind ein paar echt dumme Fehler zutagegekommen, die Dev-C++ wohl überfordert haben oder so, dass er so komisches Krams als Debug-info ausgegeben hat.
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