Beginner - Want to learn C++ and Irrlicht

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Beginner - Want to learn C++ and Irrlicht

Post by hellbound »

Eh... i'm a beginner in both c++ and irrlicht...
and i would need a suggestion for a project that would help me learn more...
i have tried learning from books and stuff , but they have only gotten me to the level of beginner in c++. I mean , i can handle myself in c++ , but it's the algorithmic part that kills me...
so... could you suggest me something that would be both interesting and not really hard to code? :lol:
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Post by Nils:D »

If you are a programmer who had programmed with other languages before, you should haven't a problem with C++ and the tutorials from this site are very good for beginning. If C++ is your first language you should search by Google for a good tutorial in your language. I have learned C++ by programming with Irrlicht, before i haven't programmed with C++ and it's the question if you can general (independently language) or if you are a language-specific programmer.
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Post by hellbound »

actually... i can handle pretty every language , except for assembly , if i read a brief part of the documentation...
i was specific about c++ because it's the standard language used with irrlicht.

and i was talking more about a challenge... something that i would have to do on my own, without any help ..

i have completed the irrlicht tutorials on this site...

but i am out of ideas.
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Post by hybrid »

Irrlicht has many features which are not covered by the tutorials. You could build more scenes with such features which would also help to track down bugs and test out new things.
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Post by Thomas_ »


I wouldn't try to learn both at the same time. Start with just C++ and dont focus on graphics or anything fancy. Eventually with enough practice you can start experimenting with irrlicht.

Not to be discouraging, but a begginner learning both C++ and irrlicht right away seems unrealistic. Start with something like C and then move on to C++. Irrlicht will be there when you're ready. I would recommend getting a book and starting very simply, do things that you'll enjoy to help you learn.

IMO, starting with something like Basic might be a good idea if you are new to programming altogether, but this might be an antiquated opinion :).

Good luck, we were all in your position at one point!
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Post by hellbound »

@ Thomas

thank's for the support...
i was thinking of remaking final fantasy V :lol:
it would be quite interesting, don't you think?
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Post by nfollmer »

Two piece of advice for you:

1. Learn to use your debugger and know it inside and out.
2. Don't think you will master the language in a few days.

These were two things I wish I had known when I started programming. Your debugger is going to be your best friend. Don't give up either, learning C takes time. You'll get it!

Good site to learn C++ from:
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Post by liger13 »

starting with final fantasy as your first project could be a little hard, ive gone through the tutorials as well and am having troubles on just a basic game :). have u ever written any games in an OOP language before?

P.S. i don't think learning c before c++ is necessary, rather it could complicate things.
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