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Drawing 3d polygons ??

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 1:52 pm
by yoes_san
I'm pretty new to graphical things so...

I have to make a program that let user create triangle, cube, tetragon, pentagon and so on, based on number of side that user inputted.

How to draw polygon using IrrLicht, is it possible to do ?
All shapes in tutorials are imported from outside so I really have no idea about this.

And currently the wiki is down so I'm at lost here.

Any suggestions?

Posted: Thu Dec 14, 2006 2:21 pm
by Acki
If you want to draw them as lines into space, there are some daw3D... functions like draw3DLine(...) and draw3DTriangle(...) (the docu should help you with this)....
Or if you want to create 3d objects you can create the meshes (scene nodes) "on the fly", this is covered in the tutorial #03.CustomSceneNode...