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I`v got problem with irrEdit

Posted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:50 pm
by blendermen
I make maps in blender to game. When i export my model to directX (.x)
and open it in irrEdit i see nothink. I trying to use several exporters but no one working. What i must to do.

use b3d instead

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 3:35 am
by juliusctw
try to use the b3d exporter from luke or check out this thread ... hp?t=16951

Posted: Sat Dec 23, 2006 1:30 pm
by Midnight
you need to flip the normals/faces...

blender's exporter sucks.

in comparison to other engines Irrlicht is a piece of cake.

you only think its difficult because you probably started programming recently and can't overcome the challenges of the language you're programming with.

my suggestion is to change your signiture study more C++ (I assume) and stop blaming everything for you inabilities.

it's the first step in educating yourself without restriction...
the little engine that could man...
how far would he have gotten telling himself it's to hard?

I think I can't...
I think I can't...
I think I can't...
I think I can't...

I'm amazed how few people learn anything at all... you think einstien would have overcome a learning disability got a job at the patent office and eventually went on to discover equasions that would IMO save all of humanity if he believed something simple like a logic library could beat him down?

you think childrens stories are just pointless books?.. yeah yer right irrlicht is hard.. maybe you should quit now?

Posted: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:55 pm
by blendermen
"irrlicht is hard" - it`s out of date by the way it was joke
I writed that almost one year ago. I learn Irrlicht and i want know more and I belive that i can do that. Irrlicht is really Easy.I wonder that. Its Easy and cool Engine. He is simpler that i thinked. I make game in that and i am satisfied.
I hope you anderstand me.