Our Tutorials...

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Our Tutorials...

Post by geekworx »

Hi everybody,

I have been involved in a project for a while now that was making use of the Irrlicht engine for a MMORPG, recently it was decided to make an architecture change (due to various factors but mainly due to the lack of C++ skills) and XNA was chosen as our new platform.

I had written four basic tutorials for the group of Developers on how to get up and running with Irrlicht, Audiere, Newton, and Raknet and not wanting to see my tutorials go to waste, I thought I would add them here ... maybe someone will get some use out of them.

Each tutorial is aimed at setting up a clean base project and then integrating the libraries that you require ... hopefully it will help someone.

Tutorial 1 - Setting up a Development Environment (WINDOWS)

Tutorial 2 - Integrating Newton Game Dynamics (WINDOWS)

Tutorial 3 - Integrating Audiere Audio Library (WINDOWS)

Tutorial 4 - Integrating RakNet Network Library (WINDOWS)
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Post by afecelis »

whoa! this is great geekworx! Thanks for sharing it! :D
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Post by TheRLG »

Nice work. These should be in the new wiki!
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Location: Pretoria, South Africa

Post by geekworx »

Well you guys have my permission to include them if you think it will help. :)
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Post by BlindSide »

Nice, so this is for Irrlicht + XNA? :D Woops I misunderstood. Nice tutorials tho!
Posts: 3
Joined: Fri Jun 16, 2006 10:27 pm

Post by Hixxy »

For anyone else who looks at this and thinks it's just a nice way to organise msvc++ projects (as I first did) it's far more than that!

If you're looking to integrate Newton into Irrlicht, follow the first two tutorials and then download the Mercior example from the tutorials page and make raven_coda's suggested changes at the bottom of the liked post

http://newtondynamics.com/forum/viewtop ... t+tutorial

Hope this helps

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