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XBOX compiling

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 6:36 pm
by Demogorgon
I'm looking to make Irrlicht working on XBOX. (with the XDK last one)
I would like to use Irrlicht for a new Dashboard.

I compiled somme examples using Irrlicht with XDK and i have only one error :

------ Build started: Project: irl1, Configuration: Debug Xbox ------
Creating Xbox Image...
IMAGEBLD : error IM1013: cannot import by name from 'Irrlicht.dll'

Build log was saved at "file://c:\Documents and Settings\francisco\Mes documents\Visual Studio Projects\irl1\Debug\BuildLog.htm"
irl1 - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
---------------------- Done ----------------------

Build: 0 succeeded, 1 failed, 0 skipped
i compiled the same example on a PC project and works.

So if someone can help me ?
I suppose i need to recompile Irrlicht for XBOX but some help will be greeaaat

Demogorgon from TxSW

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2004 10:41 pm
by kakTuZ
I have never gone into XBox developing or anything like it, but perhaps you need to compile the irrlicht.dll for the x-Box.
I think this must be the same reaseon why there is a irrlicht.dll for Dev-C++ and a irrlicht.dll for Visual Studio in the SDK.
That wouldn't end in a compile error, but perhaps it has to something to do with "Creating Xbox Image"

I like the idea to port Irrlicht to xBox :wink:
Good Luck!

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 9:44 am
by alelink
go on this site :
Try to contact someone.
That emulator are simpli recompiled for the Xbox machine (I think),
so they may have a solution for you.

You have tryed to link statically Irrlicht to your XBOX aplication?

Please let us know if it helps you.

XBox Compiling

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 8:19 pm
by MattyBoy
The XBOX does NOT support DLLS. You have to compile as a static library. I have an XBox Device made, like the win32 and linux device. It seems to work. Although, I do not have any input working yet. I have a problem with the textures. They are swizzled, and I am having trouble finding information on how to deal with this. I think I need to pre swizzle the textures, but I have not found out how to do that. I started working with Nate Cain on the XBox version of IRRLICHT, then he disappeared. He is the owner of that project.

Is it possible to have the xbox port ?

Posted: Mon Mar 22, 2004 10:59 pm
by Demogorgon
MattyBoy is it possible to have the xBox Device ?
Or the way to make it ?

I would like to continue the work.

Initial patch

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 6:49 am
by MattyBoy
I have a patch against 0.6 that should get us started. I am trying to get a hold of Nate Cain, who started the Irrlicht-X project, but he is no where to be found. I have emailed SF, to see if I can take over the project. I still have a problem with swizzled textures. Also, none of the user input has been written.

Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 12:59 pm
by afecelis
where did u get the XDK?

I've been trying for a year to find it!!!!


Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 1:21 pm
by xhrit
mmmm... xbox...



Posted: Fri Jul 30, 2004 3:13 pm
by MattyBoy
To compile for the XBOX you need three things.

1.) Visual Studio 2003.Net
2.) XDK
- Get an account for downloading binary usenet. Something like
- Get a program to help ya. I like news bin pro,
- The XDK was just posted and is routinely posted to or check an indexing service
3.) Modded XBox (DO At your own risk!!)
- Install the DEBUG software on the XBOX. Remember to burn the software to a DVD+RW. They work better for the XBOX.

Posted: Sat Jul 31, 2004 6:27 am
by Guest
Errr..hate the bust up the hullabaloo but isn't the XDK illegal unless you pay about 20,000 USD to Microsoft to be licsensed as a qualified developer? If so, let's keep illegal discussion out of Irrlicht IMHO.