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C# - Detect Keyboard Input

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 5:50 pm
by geronika2004
:( Please, help me. I looked through entire forum and I still have a problem with keyboard. Now my code complains: "Object reference not set to an instance of an object".

using System;
using Irrlicht;
using Irrlicht.Video;
using Irrlicht.Core;
using Irrlicht.Scene;

namespace HelloWorld
// static IrrlichtDevice device = null;

class MyEventReceiver : IEventReceiver
public MyEventReceiver()

public bool OnEvent(Irrlicht.Event e)
bool Handled = true;

if( e.Type == EventType.KeyInput && !e.KeyPressedDown )
case KeyCode.KEY_RETURN:

case KeyCode.KEY_SPACE:
// do something else
Handled = false;
Handled = false;

return Handled;


class rrr
static void Main()
IrrlichtDevice device = new IrrlichtDevice(DriverType.DIRECT3D9, new Dimension2D(800, 600), 16, false, true, true);
MyEventReceiver Receiver = new MyEventReceiver();

device.EventReceiver = Receiver;

ITexture tex =device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(@"1.jpg");
Irrlicht.Scene.IAnimatedMesh mesh = device.SceneManager.GetMesh(@"1.x");
ICameraSceneNode cam = device.SceneManager.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS(null, 100, 100, -1);
cam.Position = new Vector3D(20,0,-50);
ISceneNode node = device.SceneManager.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh, null, -1);
node.SetMaterialTexture(0, tex);
node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.LIGHTING, false);
device.CursorControl.Visible = false;

if (device.WindowActive)
device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(0,100,100,100));
} // end drawing-loop
} // end main()
} // end class
} // end namespace

using a form in vb2005

Posted: Mon Jan 22, 2007 9:33 pm
by Kiwsa
I got it to work in vb2005 using a form's class by

Code: Select all

implements Ieventreceiver

and building the proxy function:

Code: Select all

    Public Function OnEvent(ByVal e As Irrlicht.Event) As Boolean Implements Irrlicht.IEventReceiver.OnEvent
        If e.Type = EventType.KeyInput And e.Key = KeyCode.KEY_ESCAPE Then
            shutdown = True
        End If
    End Function
as part of the form's class....then all I needed to do was set the device.eventreceiver to point to the form..... But then again I am barely competent at reading c# code, but it apears that you also declared a new ieventreceiver, which I did not.

anyway...Hope this is SOME help at least, because it was VERY frustrating to me too.


Posted: Tue Jan 23, 2007 6:38 pm
by geronika2004
Kiwsa, Thank you, but I still have problem. I removed all unnecessary code and this code works, I mean sintax is correct, but keyboard still doesn't work :( :( :(

using System;
using Irrlicht;
using Irrlicht.Video;
using Irrlicht.Core;
using Irrlicht.Scene;

namespace HelloWorld
class Example : IEventReceiver
public bool OnEvent(Irrlicht.Event e )
if (e.Type == EventType.KeyInput)
Environment.Exit(0) ;
return true;
return false;

static void Main(string[] args)
IrrlichtDevice device = new IrrlichtDevice(DriverType.OPENGL,new Dimension2D(800, 600),32,false,true,true);
ITexture texSydney = device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(@"1.jpg");
Irrlicht.Scene.IAnimatedMesh mesh = device.SceneManager.GetMesh(@"1.x");
ICameraSceneNode cam = device.SceneManager.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS(null, 100, 100, -1);
cam.Position = new Vector3D(20,0,-150);
ISceneNode node = device.SceneManager.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh, null, -1);
node.SetMaterialTexture(0, texSydney);
node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.LIGHTING, false);

if (device.WindowActive)
device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(0,100,100,100));
} // end drawing-loop
} // end main()
} // end class
} // end namespace

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 6:28 am
by matiae
You missed to set the EventReceiver, which is the same class.. so you should do device.EventReceiver = this but you can't because main is a static method :wink:

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 8:17 am
by geronika2004
I tried everything, but I still can't make it work :( :( :(
Please, can anybody rewrite this code to me ??? I will appreciate deeply.

Code: Select all

using System; 
using Irrlicht; 
using Irrlicht.Video; 
using Irrlicht.Core; 
using Irrlicht.Scene; 

namespace HelloWorld 
	public class MyEventReceiver : IEventReceiver 
		//public MyEventReceiver() //constructor
		public bool OnEvent(Irrlicht.Event e ) 
			if (e.Type == EventType.KeyInput) 
				Environment.Exit(0) ; 
				return true; 
			return false; 

		public void run()
			IrrlichtDevice device = new IrrlichtDevice(DriverType.DIRECT3D9, new Dimension2D(800, 600), 16, false, true, true); 
			device.EventReceiver =this; 

			ITexture tex =device.VideoDriver.GetTexture(@"1.jpg"); 
			Irrlicht.Scene.IAnimatedMesh mesh = device.SceneManager.GetMesh(@"1.x"); 
			ICameraSceneNode cam = device.SceneManager.AddCameraSceneNodeFPS(null, 100, 100, -1); 
			cam.Position = new Vector3D(20,0,-50); 
			ISceneNode node = device.SceneManager.AddAnimatedMeshSceneNode(mesh, null, -1); 
			node.SetMaterialTexture(0, tex); 
			node.SetMaterialFlag(MaterialFlag.LIGHTING, false); 
			device.CursorControl.Visible = false; 

				if (device.WindowActive) 
					device.VideoDriver.BeginScene(true, true, new Color(0,100,100,100)); 
			} // end drawing-loop 
		} // end run 
	} // end class 
	public class mainclass
		static void Main() 
			MyEventReceiver zzz=new MyEventReceiver();;


} // end namespace

Posted: Wed Jan 24, 2007 10:09 am
by geronika2004
my code says:

An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in

Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.

Posted: Sun Jan 28, 2007 6:22 am
by geronika2004
Eventually I have solved my problem, the reason of application failure was following:


I installed new version VISUAL STUDIO 2005 and now everything works :)

Thanks everybody :wink: