The new set of functions would be:
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ITexture::setTextureFlag(video::E_TEXTURE_FLAG flag, bool newValue);
Set the texture to a new flag. Possible values are:
ETF_ALPHA Uses the alpha map in the texture.
ETF_MASK Does not draw invisible texels (totally transparent ones in the alpha map).
ETF_SPHERE_MAP Makes the texture look like if it was reflecting the environment around it.
ETF_CUBE_MAP This texture contains a sequence of 6 textures horizontally stripped, which is used as a cubemap.
ETF_NORMAL_MAP This texture contains a normal map, used to create bump mapping.
ETF_SECOND_UV_SET The texture will use the second UV set of coordinates in the mesh, if present.
ETF_TEXTURE_FLAG_COUNT This is not a flag, but a value indicating how much flags there are.
ITexture::setTextureBlend(video::E_TEXTURE_BLEND blendMode);
This sets the way that this texture is blended with the previous texture layer when applied to a material.
ETB_NULL The texture is not shown.
ETB_ALPHA If the texture has the alpha flag enabled, blend using the alpha map. If it doesn't, does not blend with textures below it.
ETB_ADD This texture is added to the previous layer.
ETB_MODULATE Standard lightmap technique: This texture is modulated with the previous one, which should be the diffuse texture.
ETB_MODULATE_X2 Standard lightmap technique: This texture is modulated with the previous one, which should be the diffuse texture. The texture colors are effectively multiplyied by 2 for brightening, like known in DirectX as D3DTOP_MODULATE2X.
ETB_MODULATE_X4 Standard lightmap technique: This texture is modulated with the previous one, which should be the diffuse texture. The texture colors are effectively multiplyied by 4 for brightening, like known in DirectX as D3DTOP_MODULATE4X.
EMT_FORCE_32BIT This value is not used. It only forces this enumeration to compile in 32 bit.
ITexture::setCubeFace(s32 face);
This functions sets the current face for rendering to texture. As the engine treats a cubemap as a single texture, you need some functions to define which is the current face you will use to render or write pixels to. The 'index' parameter is a value from 0 to 5 which indicates the face you will write to.
ISceneNode::setMaterialFlag(video::E_MATERIAL_FLAG flag, bool newValue);
Sets all material flags at once to a new value. Helpful for example, if you want to be the the whole mesh to be lighted by. Possible values are:
EMF_WIREFRAME Draw as wireframe or filled triangles? Default: false.
EMF_GOURAUD_SHADING Flat or Gouraud shading? Default: true.
EMF_LIGHTING Will this material be lighted? Default: true.
EMF_ZBUFFER Is the ZBuffer enabled? Default: true.
EMF_ZWRITE_ENABLE May be written to the zbuffer or is it readonly. Default: true. This flag is ignored, if the material type is a transparent type.
EMF_BACK_FACE_CULLING Is backfaceculling enabled? Default: true.
EMF_BILINEAR_FILTER Is bilinear filtering enabled? Default: true.
EMF_TRILINEAR_FILTER Is trilinear filtering enabled? Default: false. If the trilinear filter flag is enabled, the bilinear filtering flag is ignored.
EMF_FOG_ENABLE Is fog enabled? Default: false.
EMF_VERTEX_COLORS Should vertex colors be used or not? Default: true.
EMF_VERTEX_ALPHA Should vertex alpha be used or not? Default: true.
EMF_MATERIAL_FLAG_COUNT This is not a flag, but a value indicating how much flags there are.
ISceneNode::setMaterialBlend(video::E_MATERIAL_BLEND blendMode);
Sets the material blend mode of all materials in this scene node to a new blend mode. This sets how the scene node is blended with the scene below it. Possible values are:
EMB_ALPHA The scene node is blended using the alpha value of the vertices of its mesh (if it is a mesh and the material flag EMF_VERTEX_ALPHA is enabled). If this flag is not set, the scene node will be opaque (although an alpha texture can modify this).
EMB_ADD The scene node is added to the scene below it.
EMB_MODULATE This material is modulated with the scene below.
EMB_MODULATE_X2 This material is modulated with the scene below. The colors are effectively multiplyied by 2 for brightening.
EMB_MODULATE_X4 This material is modulated with the scene below. The colors are effectively multiplyied by 4 for brightening.
EMB_FORCE_32BIT This value is not used. It only forces this enumeration to compile in 32 bit.