Collsion Problem -- The node sticks in the floor

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Collsion Problem -- The node sticks in the floor

Post by Warren »

first of all, sorry if this issue was asked before, but i didnt find any info about that.

The problem is simple,
I am getting collision response for my node with the escenary.
If i make advance my node it is all ok, but suddenly he stops and i need to rotate it to avoid "something invisible". Actually, some vertex of the mesh (escenary) are obstructing the movement of my node, but it happens over a plain floor!!.

I´m with this problem for a week, and try to found the causes.
I´ve trying modify the collision response animator values and i found that the most important parameter about this fact is the slidindValue.
If i increase this value the effect decrease, but i dont get the right value to solve the problem and i have a sliding so high that causes that if the node collide with a vertical wall he slipsss all along this wall too fast.

May i still trying to find a balance between the sliding value and elipsoid size??
Does anybody Know about this fact??

Thx in advance
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Post by kohaar »

I had this problem also, and it seems that the only thing you can do is try to finetune the different parameters. There also seem to be some issues with framerate vs. collision, meaning, that if you get your collision to work somewhat problem free, it might not work at a higher or lower framerate.

I would suggest looking at IrrNewt. The demo shows how to move nodes using newton, and it looks quite easy to implement.
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