Shadow Maps in IrrEdit...

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Shadow Maps in IrrEdit...

Post by greyskull »

Hi all,

I am using Irredit to attempt to generate shadow maps and have been having problems. I am importing a fully uv'd obj. object into Irredit and generating shadow maps that look great in the Irredit preview window but so far seem usuable anywhere else.

First off, Irredit is saving out a BMP File with the shadow information but it looks like nothing like my scene Uv's. What is this file supposed to be? Where can I use it. It works with Irredit but not in Maya or Gambryo which where I really need the shadow maps to work.

Secondly, where is Irredit generating that shadowmap layuot from within the BMP file. It is hard to tell but is it saving some sort of shadow data on a per face basis within the texture file? I need to be able to generate something tha t will have shadows following the models current Uv's.

thanks for any info,

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Post by niko »

Maybe I didn't understand you very well, but you are simply searching for the generated UV's? They should be stored in the COLLADA (*.dae) files.
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