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a good level editor

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:16 pm
by smartwhiz
i am new here... i need to know abt... a good level editor for irrlicht engine...
is there any one out there who is under the project of buildin one...?i feel quake raident tought that is why i am asking for another editor

Posted: Fri Mar 26, 2004 1:24 pm
by Wolf Dreamer
Much discussion has been done about this since as long as I have been here.

Many say they are working on projects that will have a level editor, but alas, I know of none which are completed yet.

A pitty really. It is what is keeping many from getting started, since all the free editors suck in one way or another, usually their insane controls.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:57 am
by Domarius
I'd buy Quake3 just for the editor if its any good, seeing the files work with Irrlicht.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 2:02 am
by afecelis
you need quake3 to check your bsp level textured and lightmapped but you may download the editors that are around for it. You also don't need to buy Quake3, you may just download the demo since the editors will work and run your maps with it.

GtkRadiant: Quake 3 and q3 engine based games "official" editor

Quark (Quake Army Knife): opensource free editor (delphi-python based)
or download link at sourceforge ... _id=188980

Tread3d: another project that became open source. Multi-game level editor including Quake3. Although the official site is down there are several pages to download it (full source included): fileplanet link


ps. I use GtkRadiant and the levels work perfectly with Irrrlicht.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 7:48 am
by Domarius
Awesome, thanks for the links afeclis.

I didn't think they'd provide the full level editor with the Quake3 demo. Cool!

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 1:19 pm
by afecelis

The level editor is not included neither with the demo nor the retail version of Quake 3. What I meant is that to compile and run a Quake3 map (to check how it looks before using it in Irrlicht) you may do it with the demo version. The level editor is an additional download you must do. Gtkradiant will work fine with the demo version.

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 8:16 pm
by Electron
is Quake3 or the demo necessary to compile the map with radiant, or only if one wants to view it before usingit in Irrlicht?

Posted: Mon Mar 29, 2004 10:56 pm
by Rat
Actually, I dont use bsp for a scene or a level. I am using the .X file format for my levels and it works just fine. What is good about this is that you dont have to own quake 3 and your not tied down to any disagreements that may arise to using the bsp format of q3.

There is alot of model making programs out there that will export to the .X file format. Real cheap is MIlkshape 3D which I highly recommend. Its 3D studio MAX like in ways, but better suited to low polygon model making, and you need to build your level kind of small, then when done, scale it way up and export to .X file format. I have had no problems with it and have collosion detection going where you bump into walls, can walk up stairs, etc.

To get the most out of it, you need to use a physics SDK, like newton. I just got mine up and running where I can now pick up items and walk up and down hills, and stairs, and get killed falling off a cliff :D

Posted: Tue Mar 30, 2004 3:37 am
by Domarius
afecelis wrote:Domarius:

The level editor is not included neither with the demo nor the retail version of Quake 3. What I meant is that to compile and run a Quake3 map (to check how it looks before using it in Irrlicht) you may do it with the demo version. The level editor is an additional download you must do. Gtkradiant will work fine with the demo version.
Well as long as the level editor is free. :)