First off I'd like to say thanks to GFXSTYLER for teaching me how to do this and also that I may include screenshots and such for help later.
First google and download The Gimp v2.2 is what I have. Get all your textures to blend ready in one folder so it's easier to find them all and not a big annoying hassle. Also make sure they are the same size as your heightmap.
To Scale and image, click on the window that your heightmap is displayed in, click on Image->Scale Image. In the top two paremeters you can scale it to a certain size.
Now onto the blending.
Still in the same window as your heightmap, make sure that the layers dialogue is open by clicking Dialogues->Layers. If it's not open then it should pop up. Now click File->Open As Layer and find your file and open it as a layer. You'll notice this layer completely covers your heightmap so for now just go over to the layers panel and set the opacity down to around 13ish so you can see. Do the same thing with however many textures you want and drag-drop them in the correct order in the textures panel.
(Top ones overlay the bottom ones, etc.)
Make them all completely transparent for now. Go to your heightmap layer and click the 'wand-looking selector' on the top row of your main Gimp panel. Click a selection of your heightmap.
shift+click adds a selection and ctrl+click takes parts away.
When you're sure you have everything you want that certain texture to be, keep it selected and go to your layers panel. Select the texture you want that layer to be and then go back to your main heightmap/invisible textures window with parts selected. Go to Selection->Invert. Edit->Cut.
Now set the opacity for that texture back to 100.
You now have that part set, contine with however many more you have.
When you are all done, select each layer individually and do this on each one :
Filters->Blur->Gassian Blur
I do that one-two or maybe three times per layer. Make sure you have a detail map otherwise it's going to look funny in-game if you blur it too much heheh.
Now if you want to add dirt splotches or something, click the brush in the main panel. Double click the black color and find a new color, if you want a nice brown color the html notation is 723c1c
Just paint them on as you like and gaussian blur a few more times. Make sure that when you save you SAVE AS and a new file name otherwise you'll overwrite your heightmap.
That's my Tutorial... Hope it helps.
I may post screenshots later if I have time.
Multiple Textures on a Terrain with Gimp
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