Errors while starting with Irrlicht

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Errors while starting with Irrlicht

Post by brainos »

Hi, I'm brainos, and I'm new here.
I want to start using the Irrlicht-Engine, but I have a big Problem.
I'm using Linux Suse 10.2 x64 (that's not the Problem^^)
I've get the latest Sources by the SVN, and compile the static libary myself, all great. But after that, I want to compile some examples, but I get an errormessage from my compiler:

Code: Select all

g++ main.cpp -o example -I"../../include" -I"/usr/X11R6/include" -L"/usr/X11R6/lib" -L"../../lib/Linux" -lIrrlicht -lGL -lGLU -lXxf86vm -lXext -lX11
../../lib/Linux/libIrrlicht.a(png.o): In function `png_init_mmx_flags':
png.c:(.text+0x94): undefined reference to `png_mmx_support'
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [all] Fehler 1
What can I do? I've have also done so with the normally download version of Irrlicht (1.2) and the isn't that problem. Ist that an Bug? Or what do I wrong?
I hope you can help me,


PS.: Sorry for my bad English, but I'm a German
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Post by hybrid »

Yes, you're right. It seems to be either the x86-64 system or the newer compilers from the distro. But I could reproduce the problem with my Suse 10.0 system. I'll check how to fix it soon.
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