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...but seriously

Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 1:34 pm
by codechief
yes I realize it is all fools day, and I know this is off topic but seriously...
I came across the Irrlicht engine just three days back and I was instantly impressed!!!
Very clean coding style, excellent documentation both in code and in the nice readme files which are in almost all the directories... and to top everything off - a very active community (yes I've been watching you guys for a few hours now). It will take a while to get used to the details of the engine but I look forward to the effort, hopefully you guys will help me out when I am stuck.

Thank you Niko for writing such a wonderful engine and keeping the licensing simple (a brave, selfless decision that I hope pays off by knocking the socks off other 3D engines) :D
Kudos once again to Niko et al,


Posted: Thu Apr 01, 2004 2:00 pm
by StuCollier
We too stumbled across IRRLICHT about 3 days ago - must have been something in the air that day !

Its really easy to get up and running with the engine and I cant wait to do more.

A few posts I have made on the board have gone unanswered which is a bit worrying but thats only a small point.

Good luck

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 4:29 pm
by niko
Thanks, and happy coding. :)

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 5:39 pm
by R00mpel
I had to leave the community a few months ago, but now i'm back again... I've downloaded Irrlicht 0.6 and i'm really impressed!