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Increasing attributes per element...?

Posted: Mon Mar 12, 2007 3:56 pm
by Masterhawk
hey guys,
for my program I need to create an element node with more than five attributes the standard xml->writeElement() method can write.

So I guessed to extend the native method in this way

Code: Select all

void CXMLWriter::writeElement(const wchar_t* name, bool empty,
	const wchar_t* attr1Name, const wchar_t* attr1Value,
	const wchar_t* attr2Name, const wchar_t* attr2Value,
	const wchar_t* attr3Name, const wchar_t* attr3Value,
	const wchar_t* attr4Name, const wchar_t* attr4Value,
	const wchar_t* attr5Name, const wchar_t* attr5Value,
        const wchar_t* attr6Name, const wchar_t* attr6Value,
	const wchar_t* attr7Name, const wchar_t* attr7Value)
	if (!File || !name)

	if (Tabs > 0)
		for (int i=0; i<Tabs; ++i)
			File->write("\t", 2);
	// write name

	File->write(L"<", 2);
    File->write(name, wcslen(name)*2);

	// write attributes

	writeAttribute(attr1Name, attr1Value);
	writeAttribute(attr2Name, attr2Value);
	writeAttribute(attr3Name, attr3Value);
	writeAttribute(attr4Name, attr4Value);
	writeAttribute(attr5Name, attr5Value);

       writeAttribute(attr6Name, attr6Value);
       writeAttribute(attr7Name, attr7Value);

	// write closing tag
	if (empty)
		File->write(L" />", 6);
		File->write(L">", 2);
Does this is a good way or will I get problems with reading the XML-file??

I don't want to recompile the Irrlicht.dll anyway, so if you got a better idea to solve my problem.....just post :wink:

regards masterhawk