NDEBUG link option causes camera to fall through the floor

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NDEBUG link option causes camera to fall through the floor

Post by delinquent »

Hi, I'm new to Irrlicht.
I've looked around the forum, but found no similar report. I compiled Irrlicht 1.3 from source on Linux. Example 07 (Collision) compiled and run OK, although a little slower than ver. 1.2. Probably due to Irrlicht ability to recognized more feature of MD3.

Then, somewhere in the forum, I noticed someone mentioned that ver. 1.3 would run faster with NDEBUG options turned on. All went well, until I recompiled Example 07. It compiled, with no errors. When run: models and all textures loaded, but the FPS camera then could only move a few steps before falling into the void.

Curious, I tried setting Example 12 (Terrain) with gravity enabled (0, -1, 0). Amazingly it went fine, without a glitch.

I understand that both examples employ similar setup. So, what happen to Example 07?
Can anyone help? Thanks.
virtual x
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Joined: Sun Mar 25, 2007 8:48 pm

Post by virtual x »

hmmm... that's strange, all demos work fine on my system, I tried it with NDEBUG turned on and off, both work flawlessly.
Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:22 pm

Post by delinquent »

This is the post that suggests NDEBUG:
http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net/phpBB2/ ... cht+++slow

The performance difference as follows:
On Irrlicht 1.2:
Loaded mesh: 20kdm2.bsp
Needed 164ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(324 nodes, 7753 polys)
Needed 1075ms to create OctTreeTriangleSelector.(145 nodes, 7753 polys)

Using Irrlcht 1.3 with -g (default) option:
Loaded mesh: 20kdm2.bsp
Needed 313ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(357 nodes, 10684 polys)
Needed 2289ms to create OctTreeTriangleSelector.(225 nodes, 10684 polys)

Irrlicht 1.3 with NDEBUG option:
Loaded mesh: 20kdm2.bsp
Needed 64ms to create OctTree SceneNode.(357 nodes, 10684 polys)
Needed 485ms to create OctTreeTriangleSelector.(225 nodes, 10684 polys)

As you can see, the performance is 4 times faster with NDEBUG turned on. That
's why I like to see it work. All other demos (examples) are fine.

I tried looking inside Irrlicht source for clues, but either my C++ knowledge is rusty, or never been good enough in the first place :oops:
I found that there is _IRR_IMPLEMENT_MANAGED_MARSHALLING_BUGFIX definition in irrTypes.h to handle issues regarding Windows with some versions of MSC. But, remember, I'm using Linux. I can upload cpuinfo and glxinfo of my box if required, also screen snapshot of the first few seconds of 07.Collision demo's life.

Any pointers would be very much appreciated.
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