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Irrlicht, OpenGL, DevC++ and all that ..

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 7:18 am
by Orporick
Dear all

first of all let me say that I've started to play around with Irrlicht and that I'm getting a lot of fun, much more than just playng a game :) .. it is really cool, well designed and with really clear interfaces, so a big thanks to the authors .. now my question; I'm tring it with DevC++ and mingw32 on WinXP platform (I am a fan of opensource compilers) .. from what I understood looking around in the forum and in the code, on that configuration is still not possible to use DirectX device .. is this right? What I noticed is that in OpenGL examples (like the teachdemo or the sepcialFX one) some features seem disabled (like shadows, for example) .. is this right? No complain at all (it is impossible to complain about a free software like Irrlicht), just want to be sure it is not my fault. I apoligize if this is a faq.

Ok, thanks for ther help, going back to play with the engine :)

See you, Riccardo :)

Please, apologize for my bad english ..

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 8:03 am
by puh
As I know all points you mentioned are right: no D3D in DevC++ and no shadows in OGL.
But as Niko said all that will be implemented in next pre-releases (hope it'll be in 0.4.2-0.5)

Posted: Wed Sep 24, 2003 2:28 pm
by Orporick
Thanks for the reply, I'm looking forward for it ..

Happy coding, Riccardo :)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 3:33 pm
by Hlide
You can but you must have to make some modifications in and use the last Dev-C++ package and the DX9 package can be downloaded too through Dev-C++ Updater.

Anyway, I can now compile Irrlicht using DX8.