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Games you played too much?

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:47 pm
by CuteAlien
Just a fun question :-) Which are the games you really, *really* played much more than you ever should have done? Not necessarily the best games, but the one where you just could not stop playing. Hm, i guess half of you will put WoW on the list :-)

Well here's my Top 10:

- Pools of Radiance (the Commodore 64 version)
First game i played so much that i started dreaming of it. Towards the end i could even see the game patterns in front of me just by closing my eyes.

- Elite
I played it on several platforms up to the rank of elite. And then some more in the hope of finding my way back in the Witch Space.

- Das Schwarze Auge 3
The last part of a German ad&d roleplaying series with a good storyline (but rather outdated graphics even on release). I teamed up with another avid gamer and we just played round the clock. Whenever one of us needed a rest the other took over. We completely dropped out of this world for 5 days and reemerged when the game was finished.

- Civilization Series (+ Alpha Centauri)
Played too much the first part, the second, the third and my personal favorite Alpha Centauri. It's getting better with each version and for me it's maybe the closest thing to a perfect computer game i know.

- Minesweeper
Hmpf, stupid game. I know a score of about 110 seconds in professional is possible, but i gave up by now. Really. Well, maybe a last try...

- Diablo 2
The most expensive game i ever played, as i had no flatrate back then. To my big surprise i still like it.

- Tony Hawks Pro Skater 2
You know you can get to Skate Heaven in this game? It can simply be unlocked by getting 100% on all levels with all characters,
including Spiderman and Officer Dick.

- Colin Mc Rae2
Damn, is that game so hard or do i suck so much? I simply refuse to buy any newer part of it until i finished this one on the hardest level.

- The Sims
Yeah, sort of boring as everyone played it. For some reason only the first part, the second completely failed to grab me.

- Guild Wars
No WoW for me, but completely avoiding to get addicted to a modern mmorpg seems to be impossible.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:27 pm
by Anteater
My top 10 (in no particular order):

Final Fantasy VII - One of the best games ever made.

Battlefield 1942 - Great multiplayer.

Sauerbraten - Quake I for the 21st century.

Freedom Fighters - Best squad based game ever.

Morrowind - Great & open-ended.

Final Fantasy VI - Another FF game.

Chrono Trigger - The classic JRPG.

Gran Turismo 3 or 4 - Best graphics on the PS2 plus great track selection.

Sonic 2 - The best platformer. Take that, Mario.

Doom - Classic FPS action.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:30 pm
by messen

Hmm. My list is

- Elite (nowdays Oolite)
It IS the best space trading game ever! :D
- Vermeer 100%
- King's Bounty
And the winer is:
- Wizardry series
It's out of question ;)

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:05 pm
by lostclimategames
mario 3- first game ive ever played, and i constantly have it open in an nes emulator on my computer, I CANT STOP!!!!

Zelda ocarina of time- First ZELDA game ive ever played, see above :) only project64 instead of an nes emulator

FF7- WOOOOOOOOOOOOO !!@!! (in other words, i stopped playing it, because everytime i go to play it, everything else stops till i finish it again)

GTA-VC- lets just say im a pcj 600 GOD, I can get on huge buildings, i can jump cars, i can do so much stuff (sorry, i had to edit it, cus i forgot i was on a forum) on a pcj, your head will, and i mean it will spin!

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 8:31 pm
by anylo
My list is kinda sort but the amount of the time which is spent into these too is big. WAYYY too big.

Lesser evil is Diablo 2 (:LoD). And the ultimate time consumer is BatMUD (started at '98 and still playing sometimes, I've been online nearly two years).

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 9:04 pm
by Spintz
Dark Age of Camelot

But it helped playing os much back in the day. The guild I was a part of - Eclipse - in Hibernia on Galahad server, was in the top 10 across all servers and number 1 on our server for about 2-3 years or so. Plus, we were "uber" and kicked some major butt.

I remember taking out groups of 8, and up to 20-30 Albs and Mids in a single encounter.

My main was a Champion, was one of the top 25 on all servers in realm point( and top 3 on our server ). But I also had lvl 50 bard, enchanter, and a few others I can't remember, that I didn't play that much.

Was a lot of fun, till Trials of Atlantis expansion came along and I quit.

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 11:24 pm
by Phant0m51
My top 3:

Half-Life. The first 3D FPS game I ever bought. I've beaten that game 7 or 8 times.

Counter-Strike. My god I was addicted to this game. I played it 12-16 hours a day when I was fully into it.

World of Warcraft. This game almost ruined my marriage. I would get home at 5:00 pm and play until 11:00 pm every day. Thank god my guild broke up and I drifted away from the game. I'd probably be divorced if I hadn't dropped it.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 7:24 am
by strale
.....the wonderfull days of youth when was possible to spend the entire day playing games :)

- Elite !!! the space merkant
- Rougue the 2D game probebly made with 10K of code
- Gauntlet
- heroes of karn I never ended this game :( too difficult for me
- Monkey island 1-2-3
- the eye of the beolder
- alone in the dark

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 10:32 am
by gunnicom
I do not play that much ... was more in the C64 times so there are mostly old games in my list:

[C64]Pool of Radiance
[C64]Silent Service
[PC]Battlefield 1942 (One of the few newer)
[Amiga]Monkey Island
[Amiga]Kickoff II

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 12:24 pm
by afecelis
In no particular order:
-Quake series (1,2,3)
-Unreal series (all of them up to UT 2004)
-Deus Ex (the first part. The missions and the plot were amazing)
-Half life (the 1st part)

mainly fps

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:45 pm
by Midnight
man and I thought you guys were serious gamers.

here is a list of the games I DIDN'T play too much.


I'll leave you with some interesting facts however.

I've spent more then 6,000 on video games not including rentals.
I've rented every system.
I've owned every console with the exception of neo-geo.
I've been to the disney world game center in florida where they have every arcade game known to man and you push a button instead of querters. they also had alladin virtual reality that makes you feel stoned afterwards which is why VR sucks. 8)

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:48 pm
by TheRLG
Ghost Recon 1... when I first got it, I played for hours on end and didn't even want to eat dinner.

SuperTux... had to beat that damn game, several times, before I could feel complete as a human being.

Posted: Fri Apr 27, 2007 4:52 pm
by Midnight
hey RLG if it's a crime that stupidity isn't a crime.

then let me beat you in the head with a hammer and make you retarded so they can punish you instead of me for it.

lol sry just an odd thought I had.

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 3:32 am
by jam
Super Star Trek
Metal Gear
Aces of the Deep
Star Trek: 25th Anniversary
Star Trek: The Promethean Prophecy
Wing Commander
Spy Hunter
Driver 1

Posted: Sat Apr 28, 2007 4:23 am
by afecelis
Just Forgot! WOW. I was very surprised to get so hooked by an MMORPG. I thought their graphics were all in isometric view (a la Diablo) but it's been a very good engine change from Warcraft III to World OF Warcraft. It's been taking lots of work time away lately and I almost couldn't complete a couple of jobs this week just trying to raise that stupid level thingie. I'm also amazed of the client-server part and the the given quests. Oh yes and how the heck do these guys load these huge environments with so much detail??? I finally understood like 500 Irrlicht posts in a second. I admitt it, being an FPS buff has blinded and limited my graphic engine perception a lot.

I also just got FFXI with the 3 expansion packs but still haven't tried it out. I still got a lot to play on the other game. And somehow WOW's graphics seem more appealing to me. I think I got FF more for the cult part. :wink:

The only part that makes me glad is that I hadn't played any games for the last 2 years so getting this feeling again is refreshening.