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EventReciever in another file?

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:37 am
by Taymo
This seems like it would be a pretty common problem but I have my event receivers in another file away from the data it needs to manipulate. I'm wondering how I should get the data I need into the event receiver.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 2:48 am
by Dances
Your event receiver is a class. Make a public function in the class that accepts the variables you need, and private variables to store them. Then you just pass them (I believe from what Vitek told me with an &), and then access the private variables in your event receiver.

Posted: Thu May 03, 2007 10:22 am
by spopo
Or you could have your EventReceiver class something like this :

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// Event Receiver.h

#include <irrlicht.h>

struct mouse {
	bool left;

struct keyboard {
	bool escape;

class EventReceiver : public irr::IEventReceiver 
    mouse Mouse;
    keyboard Keyboard;
	virtual bool OnEvent(irr::SEvent event);
	bool isKeyDown (irr::core::stringc key);
	bool isMouseDown (irr::core::stringc button);	

// Event receiver.cpp

#include "EventReceiver.h"

EventReceiver::EventReceiver ()
	Keyboard.escape = false;
	Mouse.left = false;


bool EventReceiver::OnEvent(irr::SEvent event) 
    if (event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT) 
	  case irr::KEY_ESCAPE: Keyboard.escape = event.KeyInput.PressedDown;       

	if (event.EventType == irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT)
		case irr::EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: Mouse.left = true; break;
		case irr::EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: Mouse.left = false; break;
	    return false; 

bool EventReceiver::isKeyDown (irr::core::stringc key)
	if (key == "ESCAPE") return Keyboard.escape;
	return false;

bool EventReceiver::isMouseDown (irr::core::stringc button)
	if (button == "LEFT") return Mouse.left;
	return false;

// And in the main.cpp

EventReceiver *receiver = new EventReceiver();

 if (receiver->isKeyDown("ESCAPE")) break;

Of course this can be done in a much better way, but i think you got the idea.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 3:19 am
by Taymo
I realize I would store the variables in the class if needed, I'm wondering how to actually get the data into the receiver as I can't pass them in being I don't call the event receiver.. Irrlicht does. The data I need will be in another class.

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 5:24 am
by Dances
But you can have another function to pass them to...

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class EventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
            void initialize(); // make this function accept the variables you need
	virtual bool OnEvent(SEvent event)
	  //code here	
            return false;
      // declare variables you need here
THEN in a cpp file

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#include "eventreceiver.h"

void GameEventReceiver::initialize()
     //write those variables you accepted to your private data here
THEN in main.cpp

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#include "eventreceiver.h"

int main
     eventreceiver receiver;
NOW, the suggestion spopo made is actually better, if I understand it correctly.
This way we are creating copies of all the data. We want to use as little memory as possible so we don't want to copy them if we can.

so, we do this in our header

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class EventReceiver : public IEventReceiver
            void initialize(); // this will be only to initialize your bool keys
            void handle(); // this will be in your main cpp file
	virtual bool OnEvent(SEvent event)
	  //code here
             //We WILL NOT do any event handling here, we simply store
             //which buttons are being hit privately (use bool keys)
            return false;
      // your bool keys will be defined here
THEN in main.cpp file

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#include "eventreceiver.h"

int main
   eventreceiver receiver;

   receiver.handle(); //THIS will go in your game loop

void EventReceiver::handle()
   //THIS is where you will handle events
I hope this helps :)

Posted: Fri May 04, 2007 7:53 pm
by Taymo
Ahhhhh, indeed.. I can't image why I didn't think of that. Anyways thanks a lot everyone.

Posted: Sat May 05, 2007 1:57 pm
by Catprog
Global variables are bad coding practice.

Pass in pointers to your function.

Posted: Tue May 15, 2007 11:17 pm
by Clash
Sorry to bump this 10 days old thread, but I have a doubt on how to optimize that code.

Instead of using if (key == "ESCAPE") return Keyboard.escape;
A way so all the keys are already defined, something like:

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bool eventsReceiver::OnEvent(irr::SEvent event)
    bool value = false;

    if (event.EventType == irr::EET_KEY_INPUT_EVENT)
        key[event.KeyInput.Key] = event.KeyInput.PressedDown;
        value = true;

   if (event.EventType == irr::EET_MOUSE_INPUT_EVENT)
            case EMIE_LMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: mouse.left = true; break;
            case EMIE_RMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: mouse.right = true; break;
            case EMIE_MMOUSE_PRESSED_DOWN: mouse.middle = true; break;
            case EMIE_LMOUSE_LEFT_UP: mouse.left = false;break;
            case EMIE_RMOUSE_LEFT_UP: mouse.right = false; break;
            case EMIE_MMOUSE_LEFT_UP: mouse.middle = false; break;
            case EMIE_MOUSE_MOVED: mouse.X = event.MouseInput.X; mouse.Y = event.MouseInput.Y; break;
            case EMIE_MOUSE_WHEEL: mouse.wheel = mouse.wheel + event.MouseInput.Wheel; break;

        value = true;

    return value;

bool eventsReceiver::isKeyDown (irr::core::stringc Key)
return key[Key];
But it didn't like much the key[Key], help? :oops:

Posted: Wed May 16, 2007 9:36 am
by Perceval
You have to use EKEY_CODE type instead of stringc.

Posted: Fri May 18, 2007 1:22 pm
by Clash
That worked great perceval, thanks! By the way, how to make it recognize caps lock and shift?

But for some reason, KEY_DOWN, right, left and up are all coming as true, how can I by default set those keys to false? Other keys like KEY_KEY_J aren't though