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Compiling Community

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 2:31 pm
by Caspian
I've started making a project in Irrlicht, and am beginning to think about how I'm going to distribute it. I realize that there's a lot of different operating systems out there, and I can never compile binaries for all of them.

I'm sure that many other people here have encountered the same problem... and I don't feel like installing a ton of operating systems on my machine. However, Irrlicht has probably been installed on every major operating system -- once you've got Irrlicht compiled and installed. We could easily form a small community where we help compile for each other.

I've got Windows (XP) and Linux on a i686, 32 bit system.

Now, this is going to require both giving and taking -- if you're interested in participating, please post the operating systems you have access to -- especially if you have a Mac, BSD, or a 64 bit system.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 3:31 pm
by Sparky
Very nice idea - somewhat of "browser-shots" of the compiling world.

However, if you're not happy giving your source code out, you wouldn't be happy giving it out for someone (or multiple parties) to compile. And if you are happy giving your source code out, that means it's easier to distribute in that way. Most people have access to a Windows box - so that's perfectly fine. Most people can access one form of Linux (For testing, at least?) which leaves Mac's, IMO, as slightly harder to get your hands on, and the various flavours of Linux not being accounted for.

Further - what if there's compile problems? Do you constantly go back to the coder (taking up your time) to resolve? Or do you resolve them yourself (taking up more of your time!). Hey, I know that may not be in the 'community spirit' but I'm just playing Devil's Advocate ;-) It's a really smart idea and I hope others can help you out there - personally I have enough trouble compiling my own applications let alone any one elses ;-) Lol :)

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 4:27 pm
by Caspian
Hi, Sparky. Thanks for your input -- I realize that this isn't the silver bullet for cross-platform pains, but I think it could help. If you were really ambitious, you could get emulators for Mac or 64-bit... but if someone else already has Irrlicht installed on the system you want to compile for (and if that person is nice enough ;)), it could save you a several headaches.

Hmm... yes, we will have some compiler issues. I believe that Xcode (the standard Mac compiler) uses g++ (the standard Linux compiler). g++ has also been ported to Windows (but I don't think it's an official release). If you're asking a Linux or Mac person to compile your code, you should make sure it compiles with g++ first.

Finally, if you're unwilling to share your code, you're stuck. After all, no community works if no one gives ;). Those who are developing software for profit would be better paying for a compile-farm service.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:39 pm
by FlyingIsFun1217
I always though about something like this.

My idea was to set up a community, share code (*that is ported to the os you are going to have somebody compile on!*), and if it doesn't work, tough luck. Fix the issue somehow and try again. All it would take then is the cooperation of the community.

I would be willing to compile on linux for those who really need it ;)


Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 8:49 pm
by hybrid
Better open-source the code and let the community work. Or even better make your app a SourceForge projet and use their compile farm.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 9:29 pm
by Caspian
I'm planning on making my project open source -- however, I doubt that my users will be willing to compile and install Irrlicht so that they can compile a binary for me. If someone already has Irrlicht installed, it would be simpler to ask them to compile a binary.

If SourceForge still had a compile farm, I wouldn't be posting here. Due to maintenance issues, they shut it down in February.

Posted: Tue May 08, 2007 10:04 pm
by hybrid
Oh, didn't know that. I used it for several month years back. Was quite handy.
I guess that if you provide an interesting app you will get enough people with different platforms. Just make sure that your code copes with cross-platform issues. If you annoy those people with lots of simple code errors you will quickly loose the extra platforms.