Eclipse CTD and IrrLicht [Semi solved]

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Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:48 am

Eclipse CTD and IrrLicht [Semi solved]

Post by Dukdalf »

Hi guys,

Eclipse is in my opinion a very good IDE. I use it already for other purposes as well. I hope to get IrrLicht working with Eclipse as the IDE. I already created the irrlicht.dll with DevC++ and Code::Blocks, so that is for another time. I am now looking for a solution to my IrrLicht code to test it.

I downloaded the eclipse 3.3 (europe edition).
Installed MinGW and MSys, according to a tutorial in eclipse 3.3.

Then I created a executable c++ project named IrrLichtTest.
I copy pasted the code from the Irrlicht Example 1 into the IrrLichtTest.cpp file (this is the default 'main' file).
Added to the project include directories the directory: C:\irrlicht\Includes.

It looks fine, and Eclipse does not highlight any errors or something. But when I Run the program It cannot find the IrrLichtTest.EXE and displays the following error:

Code: Select all

Severity and Description	Path	Resource	Location	Creation Time	Id
src\IrrLichtTEST.o: In function `ZN3irr4core12irrAllocatorIcE12internal_newEj':C:/irrlicht/include/irrAllocator.h: undefined reference to `_imp___ZN3irr12createDeviceENS_5video13E_DRIVER_TYPEERKNS_4core11dimension2dIiEEjbbbPNS_14IEventReceiverEPKc'		IrrLichtTEST	line 0	1183630120421	5708
I really have NO clue what to do whith this error.

Can somebody throw me a line?

Last edited by Dukdalf on Fri Jul 06, 2007 9:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Just fooling around abit!
Posts: 152
Joined: Thu Mar 15, 2007 5:47 pm
Location: Denmark

Post by JonLT »

are you linking to the libIrrlicht.a? And are you using the same compiler as you compiled the .dll and .a with?
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:48 am

Post by Dukdalf »

You were richt, although getting this fixed was no entirely trivial.

It all works now! I can use Eclipse to write C++ programs with IrrLicht.

But I cannot compile IrrLicht yet. It seems eclipse is not able to open the right Makefile. I am also uncertain if I can just run the Makefile that is provided with the Irrlicht source, or that changes need to be made.

Anyway I get this error while building Irrlicht!

Code: Select all

**** Build of configuration MinGW GCC for project Irrlicht ****

make all 
make: *** No rule to make target `all'.  Stop.
I will look into this on a later moment, if anybody got a hint? ;)

When I am fully understanding how things are done in Eclipse, like making the irrlicht.dll etc., I will write a tutorial how to get eclipse and irrlicht running.
Just fooling around abit!
Posts: 14143
Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

There is a all: targewt, but under Windows you have to use all_win32
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:48 am

Post by Dukdalf »

I have selected appointed the the source directory where the Makefile is positioned.
Here is the Makefile

Code: Select all

VERSION = 1.3.1
# Irrlicht Engine 1.3.1
# Makefile for Linux, created by N.Gebhardt.
# To use, just run:
# make
# This will compile Irrlicht, create a static lib (libIrrlicht.a), and copy it
# into the subdirectory lib/Linux. That's all.
# If you want Irrlicht to be compiled as shared lib (, then run:
# make sharedlib
# make install
# Please note that Irrlicht as shared lib is just experimental and  
# probably not tested.

#List of object files, separated based on engine architecture
IRROBJ = C3DSMeshFileLoader.o COgreMeshFileLoader.o COBJMeshFileLoader.o CAnimatedMeshMD2.o CAnimatedMeshMD3.o CMD3MeshFileLoader.o CAnimatedMeshMS3D.o CAnimatedMeshB3d.o CAnimatedMeshSceneNode.o CBillboardSceneNode.o CCameraFPSSceneNode.o CCameraMayaSceneNode.o CCameraSceneNode.o CColladaFileLoader.o CCSMLoader.o CDefaultMeshFormatLoader.o CDMFLoader.o CDummyTransformationSceneNode.o CEmptySceneNode.o CGeometryCreator.o CLightSceneNode.o CLMTSMeshFileLoader.o CMeshManipulator.o CMeshSceneNode.o CMetaTriangleSelector.o CMY3DMeshFileLoader.o COCTLoader.o COctTreeSceneNode.o COctTreeTriangleSelector.o CParticleBoxEmitter.o CParticleFadeOutAffector.o CParticleGravityAffector.o CParticlePointEmitter.o CParticleSystemSceneNode.o CQ3LevelMesh.o CSceneCollisionManager.o CSceneManager.o CSceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.o CSceneNodeAnimatorDelete.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyCircle.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFlyStraight.o CSceneNodeAnimatorFollowSpline.o CSceneNodeAnimatorRotation.o CSceneNodeAnimatorTexture.o CShadowVolumeSceneNode.o CSkyBoxSceneNode.o CSkyDomeSceneNode.o CTerrainSceneNode.o CTerrainTriangleSelector.o CCubeSceneNode.o CSphereSceneNode.o CTextSceneNode.o CTriangleBBSelector.o CTriangleSelector.o CWaterSurfaceSceneNode.o CXAnimationPlayer.o CXFileReader.o CXMeshFileLoader.o CMeshCache.o CDefaultSceneNodeAnimatorFactory.o CDefaultSceneNodeFactory.o CQuake3ShaderSceneNode.o
IRRVIDEOOBJ = COpenGLDriver.o COpenGLNormalMapRenderer.o COpenGLParallaxMapRenderer.o COpenGLShaderMaterialRenderer.o COpenGLTexture.o COpenGLSLMaterialRenderer.o COpenGLExtensionHandler.o CD3D8Driver.o CD3D8NormalMapRenderer.o CD3D8ParallaxMapRenderer.o CD3D8ShaderMaterialRenderer.o CD3D8Texture.o CColorConverter.o CFPSCounter.o CImage.o CImageLoaderBMP.o CImageLoaderJPG.o CImageLoaderPCX.o CImageLoaderPNG.o CImageLoaderPSD.o CImageLoaderTGA.o CImageWriterBMP.o CImageWriterJPG.o CImageWriterPCX.o CImageWriterPNG.o CImageWriterPPM.o CImageWriterPSD.o CImageWriterTGA.o CNullDriver.o CD3D9Driver.o CD3D9HLSLMaterialRenderer.o CD3D9NormalMapRenderer.o CD3D9ParallaxMapRenderer.o CD3D9ShaderMaterialRenderer.o CD3D9Texture.o CVideoModeList.o
IRRSWRENDEROBJ = CSoftwareDriver.o CSoftwareTexture.o CTRFlat.o CTRFlatWire.o CTRGouraud.o CTRGouraudWire.o CTRTextureFlat.o CTRTextureFlatWire.o CTRTextureGouraud.o CTRTextureGouraudAdd.o CTRTextureGouraudNoZ.o CTRTextureGouraudWire.o CZBuffer.o CTRTextureGouraudVertexAlpha2.o CTRTextureGouraudNoZ2.o CTRTextureLightMap2_M2.o CTRTextureLightMap2_M4.o CTRTextureLightMap2_M1.o CSoftwareDriver2.o CSoftwareTexture2.o CTRTextureGouraud2.o CTRGouraud2.o CTRGouraudAlpha2.o CTRGouraudAlphaNoZ2.o CTRTextureDetailMap2.o CTRTextureGouraudAdd2.o CTRTextureGouraudAddNoZ2.o CTRTextureWire2.o CTRTextureLightMap2_Add.o CTRTextureLightMapGouraud2_M4.o IBurningShader.o CTRTextureBlend.o CTRTextureGouraudAlpha.o CTRTextureGouraudAlphaNoZ.o CDepthBuffer.o
IRRIOOBJ = CFileList.o CFileSystem.o CLimitReadFile.o CMemoryReadFile.o CReadFile.o CWriteFile.o CXMLReader.o CXMLWriter.o CZipReader.o CPakReader.o irrXML.o CAttributes.o
IRROTHEROBJ = CIrrDeviceSDL.o CIrrDeviceLinux.o CIrrDeviceStub.o CIrrDeviceWin32.o CLogger.o COSOperator.o Irrlicht.o os.o
IRRGUIOBJ = CGUIButton.o CGUICheckBox.o CGUIComboBox.o CGUIContextMenu.o CGUIEditBox.o CGUIEnvironment.o CGUIFileOpenDialog.o CGUIFont.o CGUIImage.o CGUIInOutFader.o CGUIListBox.o CGUIMenu.o CGUIMeshViewer.o CGUIMessageBox.o CGUIModalScreen.o CGUIScrollBar.o CGUISkin.o CGUIStaticText.o CGUITabControl.o CGUIToolBar.o CGUIWindow.o CGUIColorSelectDialog.o CDefaultGUIElementFactory.o CGUISpriteBank.o
ZLIBOBJ = zlib/adler32.o zlib/compress.o zlib/crc32.o zlib/deflate.o zlib/inffast.o zlib/inflate.o zlib/inftrees.o zlib/trees.o zlib/uncompr.o zlib/zutil.o
JPEGLIBOBJ = jpeglib/jcapimin.o jpeglib/jcapistd.o jpeglib/jccoefct.o jpeglib/jccolor.o jpeglib/jcdctmgr.o jpeglib/jchuff.o jpeglib/jcinit.o jpeglib/jcmainct.o jpeglib/jcmarker.o jpeglib/jcmaster.o jpeglib/jcomapi.o jpeglib/jcparam.o jpeglib/jcphuff.o jpeglib/jcprepct.o jpeglib/jcsample.o jpeglib/jctrans.o jpeglib/jdapimin.o jpeglib/jdapistd.o jpeglib/jdatadst.o jpeglib/jdatasrc.o jpeglib/jdcoefct.o jpeglib/jdcolor.o jpeglib/jddctmgr.o jpeglib/jdhuff.o jpeglib/jdinput.o jpeglib/jdmainct.o jpeglib/jdmarker.o jpeglib/jdmaster.o jpeglib/jdmerge.o jpeglib/jdphuff.o jpeglib/jdpostct.o jpeglib/jdsample.o jpeglib/jdtrans.o jpeglib/jerror.o jpeglib/jfdctflt.o jpeglib/jfdctfst.o jpeglib/jfdctint.o jpeglib/jidctflt.o jpeglib/jidctfst.o jpeglib/jidctint.o jpeglib/jidctred.o jpeglib/jmemmgr.o jpeglib/jmemnobs.o jpeglib/jquant1.o jpeglib/jquant2.o jpeglib/jutils.o jpeglib/rdbmp.o jpeglib/rdcolmap.o jpeglib/rdgif.o jpeglib/rdppm.o jpeglib/rdrle.o jpeglib/rdswitch.o jpeglib/rdtarga.o jpeglib/transupp.o jpeglib/wrbmp.o jpeglib/wrgif.o jpeglib/wrppm.o jpeglib/wrrle.o jpeglib/wrtarga.o
LIBPNGOBJ = libpng/png.o libpng/pngerror.o libpng/pngget.o libpng/pngmem.o libpng/pngpread.o libpng/pngread.o libpng/pngrio.o libpng/pngrtran.o libpng/pngrutil.o libpng/pngset.o libpng/pngtrans.o libpng/pngwio.o libpng/pngwrite.o libpng/pngwtran.o libpng/pngwutil.o
# Next variable is for additional scene nodes etc. of customized Irrlicht versions

#Compiler flags
CXXINCS = -I../../include -Izlib -Ijpeglib -Ilibpng
ifndef NDEBUG
CXXFLAGS += -fexpensive-optimizations -O3
CFLAGS := -fexpensive-optimizations -O3 -DPNG_NO_MMX_CODE -DPNG_NO_MNG_FEATURES

#Linux specific options
STATIC_LIB = libIrrlicht.a
IRRLICHT_DLL := ../../bin/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht.dll
LIB_PATH = ../../lib/$(SYSTEM)
INSTALL_DIR = /usr/local/lib
staticlib sharedlib install: SYSTEM = Linux
staticlib sharedlib : LDFLAGS = --no-export-all-symbols --add-stdcall-alias
sharedlib : LDFLAGS += -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGLU -lGL -lXxf86vm
staticlib sharedlib : CXXINCS += -I/usr/X11R6/include

#Windows specific options
sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32: SYSTEM = Win32-gcc
sharedlib_win32: LDFLAGS = -lgdi32 -lwinspool -lcomdlg32 -lole32 -loleaut32 -luuid -lodbc32 -lodbccp32 -lglu32 -lopengl32
sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32: CPPFLAGS += -D__GNUWIN32__ -D_WIN32 -DWIN32 -D_WINDOWS -D_MBCS -D_USRDLL
staticlib_win32: CPPFLAGS += -D_IRR_STATIC_LIB_

# All target, builds Irrlicht as static lib (libIrrlicht.a) and copies it into /lib/Linux
all linux: staticlib

# Builds Irrlicht as shared lib ( and copies it into /lib/Linux
sharedlib: $(LINKOBJ)
	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -Wl,-soname,$(SHARED_LIB).1 -fPIC -o $(SHARED_LIB).$(VERSION) $^ $(LDFLAGS)

# Builds Irrlicht as static lib (libIrrlicht.a)
	$(AR) rs $@ $^

# Copies static lib into /lib/Linux
staticlib: $(STATIC_LIB)
	cp $^ $(LIB_PATH)

# Builds Irrlicht as dll (Irrlicht.dll) into ../../bin/Win32-gcc
win32: sharedlib_win32
sharedlib_win32: $(IRRLICHT_DLL)
../../bin/Win32-gcc/Irrlicht.dll: $(LINKOBJ)
	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) $(CXXFLAGS) -shared -o $@ $^ $(LDFLAGS) -Wl,--out-implib,../../lib/Win32-gcc/$(STATIC_LIB)
# Copies static lib into /lib/Win32-gcc
staticlib_win32: $(STATIC_LIB)
	cp $^ $(LIB_PATH)

# Installs Irrlicht if it was created as shared lib
	ldconfig -n $(INSTALL_DIR)

# Create dependency files for automatic recompilation
	$(CXX) $(CPPFLAGS) -MM -MF $@ $<

-include $(LINKOBJ:.o=.d)

	@echo "Available targets for Irrlicht"
	@echo " sharedlib: Build shared library for Linux"
	@echo " staticlib: Build static library Irrlicht.a for Linux"
	@echo " install: Copy shared library to /usr/lib"
	@echo ""
	@echo " sharedlib_win32: Build shared library Irrlicht.dll for Windows"
	@echo " staticlib_win32: Build static library Irrlicht.a for Windows"
	@echo ""
	@echo " clean: Clean up directory"

# Cleans all temporary files and compilation results. 

.PHONY: all sharedlib staticlib sharedlib_win32 staticlib_win32 help install clean

And here is the make command error!

Code: Select all

**** Build of configuration MinGW GCC for project Irrlicht ****

make all_win32 
make: *** No rule to make target `all_win32'.  Stop.
I tried also to do the following things
  • - make win32
    - make all win32
    - make win32 all
    -make sharedlib_win32
I am sure some are total crap(and stupid) but hey at least I tried!

Thanks again for assisting btw! I slowly get there!
Just fooling around abit!
Posts: 14143
Joined: Wed Apr 19, 2006 9:20 pm
Location: Oldenburg(Oldb), Germany

Post by hybrid »

Maybe they don't support GNU make files?
Posts: 86
Joined: Mon Jan 29, 2007 3:33 pm

Post by lester »

they are certainly using custom make rules, you must setup them in the project settings dialog.
Posts: 24
Joined: Thu Jun 21, 2007 9:48 am

Post by Dukdalf »

yeah, well currently I lost my interrest in getting this to work, but when i am more used to c++ I will check it out again. Or when a new version of Irrlicht becomes available.

thanks guys. I can use Eclipse at least.;-)
Just fooling around abit!
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