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Using Ageia PhysX

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2007 11:27 pm
by SwitchCase

I've just downloaded the Ageia PhysX SDK after seeing what it's capable of and learning that it is freely available. Previously i have used Newton Game Dynamics for my physics and I am finding it hard to get started with using PhysX with Irrlicht.

I've looked through the tutorial but I found it difficult to understand and that it was written for integrating an old version of Irrlicht with an old version of the PhysX.

If somebody could give me some tips on getting going or direct me to a nice tutorial, it would be greatly appreciated.


Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2007 8:20 pm
by .petrus.

if you wait a bit, i'll post a irrlicht 1.3.x wrapper for Ageia physX 2.7.0 with docs and tutorials.

now i'm writing the "ageia lessons".

btw, it's still an alpha version. so no optimization are in my mind ;)

stay tuned...


Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2007 8:14 am
by JP
I actually found using Ageia much easier than Newton. I tried using Newton with Irrlicht and couldn't get it to do anything i wanted really (didn't try for long though as i was too busy), mainly beacuse i couldn't find any decent tutorials.

When i then started using Ageia on PS3 i think the tutorials i had access to were much better and more suited to what i was doing and i also had a nice support team to ask some questions to about it so i guess that could be why it was easier, though i do feel that the API was easier to understand.

But unfortunately i can't actually help you with using it with Irrlicht.. so sorry about that, but good luck!

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 2:05 pm
by SwitchCase
@ .petrus. ... sounds cool ill have a look at that when you've done.

@ JP ... np. So you used the Ageia API alongside direct OpenGL calls(without newton)? Im considering doing that. what tutorials did you use?

Thanks for the responce guys.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:28 pm
by JP
I guess by newton (in "alongside direct OpenGL calls(without newton)") you mean Irrlicht? I'm not using Irrlicht as that would only work via Linux and yes it's using what is basically a version of OpenGL. The tutorials i used are the ones that came with the Ageia SDK, various training programs and samples on rigid bodies, vehicles, cloth etc. I imagine they'd be in your SDK as well but compiled for PC.

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2007 3:58 pm
by SwitchCase
lol i did mean 'without irrlicht' not 'without newton'. Silly me.

Ah, i do have the training programs, i havnt looked at them yet though. I think ill do that now. Cheers.

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:15 am
by JP
The training programs were pretty good for me as they're done using opengl but that might make them harder for you to figure out how to integrate them with irrlicht but i guess you could just take a simple tutorial and try and make it work with irrlicht instead. If you read through the code and try to understand what all the code is doing it shouldnt be too hard to replace the opengl stuff with irrlicht.

Posted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 5:36 am
by .petrus.
offline they work very good for me, i can assure you.

for example, i'm writing and testing the code on a laptop with an ati radeon mobility 16 mb :), which uses Ogl.
(you can choise with irrlicht if use ogl or other render driver) there are only "problems" with lighting imported textured obj, they are too "black"......

okok some shoots: